The terms “completion of construction or reconstruction,” “complete system construction,” “satisfactorily complete,” “upgrade,” “rebuild,” and “fully activate” apply to both initial cable system construction as well as any upgrade or rebuild of an existing cable system and shall mean that in each instance that strand has been put up and all necessary wiring (including trunk and feeder cable) has been lashed; or, for underground construction, that all cable has been laid and trenches refilled, all road surfaces restored and landscaping restored; that, all amplifier housings and modules have been installed (including modules for return path signals if proposed); that primary and backup power supplies have been installed and operated properly, and all bonding and grounding has been completed; that construction or reconstruction of the headwinds or hubs has been completed and all necessary processing equipment has been installed; and that any and all other construction or reconstruction necessary for the cable system to deliver cable service to subscribers has been completed, including cable drops to each and every subscriber unit passed pursuant to the plans and specifications submitted to and approved by the city. Before connecting new or technically upgraded service to any subscriber, franchisee shall satisfactorily complete proof of performance tests on each new or technically upgraded segment of the cable system in compliance with the FCC’s technical standards. Cable services provided to segments of less than the entire cable system will be activated when the proof is completed. Construction, reconstruction, upgrade, or rebuild of any segment or of the entire cable system will not be considered complete until proof of performance tests have been conducted on such segment (or in the case of the entire cable system, on all segments of the cable system) in accordance with the signal quality requirements of the FCC’s technical standards and any performance characteristics of such segment which are found not to comply with such technical standards have been corrected. The term “completion of construction or reconstruction” does not include marketing and installation of subscriber service. Construction, reconstruction, upgrade, or rebuild is not complete until every customer in any construction, reconstruction, upgrade, or rebuild area is capable of receiving cable services. Construction, reconstruction, upgrade, or rebuild is not complete until the wreck-out of the old segments of the cable system has been completed to the satisfaction of the city. (Ord. 205 § 3, 2001)