(A)   Billings. All stormwater service bills shall be rendered on a semi-annual basis unless additional or prorated billing is required to reflect customer changes, initial billings or is otherwise required to adjust billing cycles. Charges for miscellaneous services or work performed on behalf of a stormwater customer by the Department shall be assessed at the time the work is completed and shall be included in the customer's next stormwater service bill. Stormwater billing for a new property shall commence with the date the property is assessed for purposes of property taxes, or date of occupancy, whichever shall first occur. Additional stormwater charges for an established service address necessitated by a change in the amount of impervious area at the properly shall commence on the date the new certificate of occupancy or compliance is issued. Billing adjustments required to correct impervious area measurements shall be applied retroactively to the date of the customer's initial protest.
   (B)   Rights and responsibilities of property owner. Charges for stormwater service shall remain the ultimate responsibility of the property owner, including all penalties, recording fees, attorney's fees, interest and court costs. Other than the property owner, no other person shall be permitted to inspect, examine or otherwise obtain confidential information including the social security number of the property owner obtained by the town for the sole purpose of billing for stormwater system service. Stormwater service charges attach to the properly.
   (C)   Terms of payment. The stormwater service charges prescribed in § 32.120 shall be due on the payment date set out on the bill. It shall be a violation of this subchapter to fail to pay a stormwater service bill when due. All bills for stormwater services not paid on or before the due date shall be subject to a collection or deferred payment charge of 10% on the outstanding balance. Moving from one location to another in no way absolves the customer from responsibility for any unpaid charges incurred at a previous location.
   (D)   Bad check charge. Checks returned for non-sufficient funds will be subject to reimbursement of the fee the banking institution charges the town and an administrative charge to be established by the Department not in excess of the amount provided in Indiana Code. A customer submitting a bad check may be prohibited from making future stormwater service charge payments by check.
   (e)   Collection. Delinquent stormwater service charges may be collected in a civil action along with reasonable attorney fees and court costs.
(Ord. 636, passed 3-30-2009)