(A)   Roadway surfacing. Street roadways shall be surfaced to the minimum widths specified in § 152.060. Alley roadways shall be surfaced to the full width of the alley right-of-way.
(1984 Code, § 16.32.080)
   (B)   Surfacing standards. Roadways shall be of bituminous concrete. If over 48 feet in width, they shall be ten inches of compacted crushed stone, base course, two-inch binder course, one-and-one-half- inch minimum surface, and if 48 feet wide or less, they shall be six inches compacted crushed stone base course, two-inch minimum binder course, one-inch surface course; provided, however, that the Plan Commission may permit the installation of surfacing other than bituminous concrete subject to standards assuring that such surfacing will be equivalent to the bituminous concrete surfacing required by this section.
(1984 Code, § 16.32.090)
   (C)   Improvement specifications. All work on grading, surfacing and improvement shall be performed in the manner prescribed in the latest edition (as of the date that the subdivision plat is approved) of “Standard Specifications of Road and Bridge Construction and Maintenance” of the State Highway Commission of Indiana. The Plan Commission may make additional requirements based on soil determination.
(1984 Code, § 16.32.100)