(A)   Restricted donations can only be accepted for the following purposes and must be handled in the following method.
   (B)   The donations must be accepted from individuals, businesses and others wishing to contribute to the fund for cleaning up White River in Mt. Pleasant Township.
      (1)   Money will be paid to the Town of Yorktown and deposited into the White River Clean-up Restricted Donation Fund.
      (2)   The Donation Fund can only be expended for the cost associated with expenses of the clean- up of White River, such as supplies, clothing, food, beverages for volunteers, rental of equipment for removal of debris and equipment used for the clean-up.
      (3)   Donations are to be paid in the form of a check or money order made payable to the Town of Yorktown White River Clean-up Donation Fund.
      (4)   The Clerk-Treasurer is the custodian of the Fund for the town.
(Ord. 426, passed 8-20-2002)