(a)   Upon proof provided by a property owner or the Water Company, the City shall provide a retroactive credit for periods where no water service and therefore no sewer service was provided to the property. At no time shall the credit reduce the billing to less than the minimum charge established for that period.
(Ord. 16-1990 §3. Passed 10-2-90.)
   (b)   If a property owner wishes to obtain a credit for water usage because some portion of the water used was not discharged into the sanitary sewer system, relief may be sought through the City. The applicant for relief will be required to furnish evidence satisfactory to the City that the water used did not enter the sanitary sewer system such as for leaks and swimming pools. The minimum credit that shall be processed is five dollars ($5.00) per month.
(Ord. 15-1996. Passed 12-17-96.)