The following words and terms, when used in this article, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
   (a)   "Authority" means the York City Sewer Authority.
   (b)   "City" means the City of York.
   (c)   "Council" means the group of elected officials acting as the governing body of the City.
   (d)   "Commercial use" means a property which is intended to be used for the purpose of carrying on a trade, business or profession, or for social, religious, educational, charitable or public uses.
   (e)   "Domestic use" means a property which is intended to be used for continuous or periodic habitation by human beings or animals.
   (f)   "Industrial use" means a property which is intended to be used in whole or in part for the manufacture, conversion, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembly of any product, commodity or article.
   (g)   "Industrial waste" means the liquid, gaseous or water borne wastes from industrial processes or commercial establishments as distinct from sanitary sewage.
   (h)   "Sanitary sewage" means the normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions, commercial and industrial establishments.
   (i)   “Sewer system” means all facilities for collection, treating and disposing of industrial waste and sanitary sewage.
   (j)   “Uncontaminated water” means clean water unmixed with and free of any foreign matter whatsoever.
   (k)   “Water Company” means the York Water Company, it successors and assigns.
      (Ord. 7-1954 §1.)