(a)   Noise Disturbance Prohibited. No person shall make, continue or cause to be made or cause to be continued any noise disturbance by any means, nor shall any person suffer, allow or permit any noise disturbance, by any means, to be made or continued from or at any property, whether public or private, real or personal, that is subject to such person’s right to control.
   (b)   Specific Prohibitions. The following acts and the causing thereof are declared to be noise disturbances and therefore in violation of this article:
      (1)   Radios, television sets, musical instruments and similar devices. Operating, playing or permitting the operation, or playing of any radio, television, phonograph, drum, musical instrument, sound amplifier, automobile radio, automobile stereo, high-fidelity equipment or similar device which produces, reproduces or amplifies sound:   
         A.   At any time in such a manner as to cause a noise disturbance across a property line (boundary), or between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Saturdays and during the hours from 9 p.m. Saturdays and noon on Sundays so as to be plainly audible across a property line (boundary).
         B.   In such a manner as to create a noise disturbance across a property line (boundary), or at fifty feet from such device, whichever is less, when the device is operated in or on a motor vehicle, or hand carried, on a public right of way or public space; or
         C.   In such a manner as to create a noise disturbance to any person other than the operator of the device, when operated by any passenger or a common carrier.
      (2)   Yelling and shouting, etc. Engaging in loud or raucous yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing:
         A.   On the public streets between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; or   
         B.   At any time or place in such a manner as to create a noise disturbance.
      (3)   Construction.
         A.   Operating or permitting the operation of any tools or equipment used in construction operations, drilling or demolition work:
            1.   Between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday and after 9 p.m. Saturdays and noon on Sundays or at any time on Sundays or legal holidays, such that the sound therefrom creates a noise disturbance across a residential real property line (boundary), except for emergency work or work authorized by special permit issued by the City.
         B.   This section shall not apply to the use of domestic power tools subject to subsection (b)(4) hereof.
      (4)   Domestic power tools. Operating or permitting the operation of any mechanically powered saw, drill, sander, grinder, lawn or garden tool, or similar device used outdoors in residential areas between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Saturdays and during the hours from 9 p.m. Saturdays and noon on Sundays so as to cause a noise disturbance across a residential property line (boundary).
      (5)   Loading and unloading. Loading, unloading, opening, closing or other handling of boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage cans, or similar objects between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day in such a manner as to cause a noise disturbance across a residential property line (boundary). This section shall not apply to municipal or utility services in or about the public right of way.
      (6)   Animals and birds. Owning, possessing, harboring or controlling any animal or bird which howls, barks, meows, squawks or makes other sounds continuously and/or incessantly for a period of ten minutes or makes such noise intermittently for one-half hour or more to the disturbance of any person at any time of the day or night regardless of whether the animal or bird is situated in or upon private property; provided, however, that at the time the animal or bird is making such noise, no person is trespassing or threatening to trespass upon private property in or upon which the animal or bird is situated or for any other legitimate cause which teased or provoked the animal or bird.
      (7)   Powered model vehicles. Operating or permitting the operation of powered model vehicles so as to create a noise disturbance across a residential property line (boundary) or between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Saturdays and during the hours from 9 p.m. Saturdays and noon on Sundays.
      (8)   Street sales. Offering for sale or selling by shouting or outcry or by any other amplified or non-amplified sound within any residential or commercial area except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. and at no time in such a manner as to violate Section 714.05.
      (9)   Tampering. The following acts or the causing thereof are prohibited:
         A.   The removal or rendering inoperative by any person other than for purposes of maintenance, repair or replacement of any muffler or sound dissipative device or element of design or noise label of any product;
         B.   The intentional moving or rendering inaccurate or inoperative of any sound monitoring instrument or device positioned by or for the Police Department, provided that such device or the immediate area is clearly labeled in accordance with noise control regulations to warn of the potential illegality; and
         C.   The use of a product which has had a muffler or sound dissipative device or element of design or noise label removed or rendered inoperative, with knowledge that such action has occurred.
      (10)   Vehicle, motorboat or aircraft repairs and testing. Repairing, rebuilding or testing any motor vehicle, motorcycle, motorboat or aircraft in such a manner as to cause a noise disturbance across a residential real property line (boundary) Monday through Saturdays and during the hours from 9 p.m. Saturdays and noon on Sundays.
   (c)   Motor Vehicle Prohibitions.
      (1)   Motor vehicle and motorcycles on public rights of way. No person shall operate or cause to be operated on a public or private motor vehicle or motorcycle, or any equipment attached to such a vehicle, on a public right of way at any time in such a manner that the sound level emitted by the motor vehicle or motorcycle, or any equipment attached to such a vehicle, exceeds the level set forth in Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Regulations Title 67, Chapter 157, Subchapter B, 67 Pa. Code §157.11.
      (2)   Standing motor vehicles. No person shall operate or permit the operation of any motor vehicle or any auxiliary equipment attached to such a vehicle, for a period longer than fifteen minutes in any hour while the vehicle is stationary, for reasons other than traffic congestion, anywhere within 150 feet of any residence in such a manner as to cause a noise disturbance across a residential property line (boundary).   
      (3)   Unnecessary horn blowing. No person shall at any time sound the horn or other warning device of a vehicle except when absolutely necessary as a warning while actually driving such vehicle.
      (4)   Sound trucks. No person shall operate sound amplifying equipment mounted on or attached to any motor vehicle at any time in such a manner as to exceed the maximum permissible motor vehicle noise emissions as set forth in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
         (Ord. 27-2007. Passed 9-4-07.)
      (5)   Motor/engine retarder devices. No person shall use a brake retarder or other motor/engine retarding device while operating a truck, truck tractor, motor carrier vehicle, motor vehicle or any other vehicle within the City. The prohibition against use of a motor/engine retarding device shall not apply to an “emergency vehicle” as defined in Pennsylvania Title 75 when said emergency vehicle is actually responding to an emergency call. (Ord. 10-2019. Passed 6-4-19.)
      (6)   No person shall cause or allow the tires of a motor vehicle, which the person is operating, to squeal except when necessary in order to avoid a collision with another person, vehicle or other property.
         (Ord. 27-2007. Passed 9-4-07.)