(a) The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this article:
(1) “Animal” means any domestic animal or fowl, any wild animal or any household pet, including birds, fish, reptiles and insects.
(2) “Domestic Animal” means any animal normally or ordinarily domesticated or raised in this area or climate as livestock or for work or breeding purposes or normally or ordinarily kept as a household pet.
(3) “Household Pet” means any dog, cat or other domestic animal normally and ordinarily kept in or permitted to be at large in the dwelling of its owner.
(4) “Keeper” means any person, firm or corporation owning or actually keeping, having, using or maintaining any of the animals herein referred to.
(5) “Menagerie” means a collection of animals kept in cages or exhibition by a full-time professional trainer.
(6) “Officer” means any police officer or duly appointed animal control officer or code enforcement officer or his or her designee.
(7) “Owner” means any person having a right of property or having custody of any animal, or any person who harbors or permits an animal to remain on or around his or her property.
(8) “Person” means any person, firm, partnership, association or corporation.
(9) “Wild Animal” means any animal, including bird, fowl, reptile or insect not normally or ordinarily domesticated, not normally or ordinarily raised in this area and climate as livestock or for work or breeding purposes; or not capable of being kept as a household pet.
(b) In this article the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular and the masculine shall include the feminine.
(Ord. 02-8. Passed 4-8-02.)