Any towing company or its employee who violates any provision of this article (except Section 545.09) shall be issued a written warning for the first violation during any calendar year. Any subsequent violation during the same year may cause the termination of the towing company's license. The towing company is not entitled to a warning for violation of any provisions of Section 545.09 and may have their license terminated for the first and/or subsequent violations of this section. The towing company shall be notified in writing no less than 5 calendar days prior to the termination of its license. The notice of termination shall state the reason(s) for termination and the effective date of termination. The towing company shall have 14 calendar days to appeal the termination in writing to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police or his/her designee shall hold the hearing within 10 calendar days of written receipt of the towing company's request for an appeal. The towing company may appeal the Chief's decision, in writing, to City Council within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of the Chief's decision.
(Ord. 40-2011. Passed 12-6-11.)