Description Ord. Date Ord. Docket
Alley - N. Albemarle St. to Eberts Lane 7-16-85 X-321
Alley - N. Albemarle St. to Cambridge St. 6-19-90 Y-411
Alley - Bare to Park 11-7-52 P-155
Alley - Brooklyn to Stone 12-5-52 P-162
Alley - certain alley to Spruce 3-18-60 R-177
Alley - Charles to Lyles Playground 8-19-68 U-61
Alley - Church to point 80.47 ft. north 3-17-76 V-229
Alley - Cleveland to Cooper 2-18-05 D-270
Alley - Cleveland to Jackson 12-10-1898 C-213
Alley - Cleveland Ave. to W. Boundary Ave. 9-21-77 V-430
Alley - Codorus St. to certain alley 2-29-68 T-425
Alley - Commerce to certain alley 4-14-65 S-395
Alley - E. Church to unnamed alley 7-3-79 W-51
Alley - Edison to Phillips 3-18-60 R-177
Alley - Edison to Wellington 3-18-60 R-177
Alley - Front to Beaver 12-5-52 P-162
Alley - Green to Mill 2-29-68 T-425
Alley - Hersh to East Jackson 5-2-89 Y-350
Alley - Hope to certain alley 9-8-76 V-274
Alley - King to Edison 3-18-60 R-177
Alley - Lehman to Hartman 11-29-57 Q-382
Alley - Local Way to point 142 ft. east 9-18-79 W-69
Alley - Maple St. (E) to Spangler's Lane 12-6-77 V-440
Alley - Market (E) to E. Clarke Ave. 2-7-78 V-455
Alley - Newberry to certain alley 9-8-76 V-275
Alley - Parkway to Wood 2-7-47 N-466
Alley - Rose Alley to an alley north thereof 7-6-77 V-377
Alley - Sherman to certain alley 9-14-68 U-71
Alley - Thomas to Park 11-7-52 P-155
Alley - Tulsa to Rockdale 6-2-76 V-235
Alley - Walnut south side 400 block location 4-21-81 W-182
Alley - Wellington St. to Oerman Alley 10-6-81 W-224
Alley - intersecting Merion and Springdale
between Newlin and McKenzie 3-17-81 W-179
Alley - projecting west of Fairmount Place
at Willis Run 2-17-81 W-169
Alley - projecting west from N. Pine St.
between E. Clark Alley and E.
Phildelphia 9-16-80 W-133
Alley - rear of 316-318 S. Duke St. 12-19-78 W-25
Alley - rear of 229-221 East South St.
in Tenth Ward 5-1-84 X-246
Alley - running parallel and between
Atlantic and Pacific Ave. between
Willis Run Creek and portion of
Lincoln Park 11-7-84 X-299
Alley - between 13 and 15 E. Philadelphia St. 5-16-79 W-45
Arch - Court Alley to Duke 12-18-31 K-181
Beaver - Warren to Lincoln 11-7-52 P-155
Becker - Gas to Gay 10-16-74 V-152
Beer - King to point 341.59 ft. north 8-19-68 U-61
Behler - Market to Mason 11-1-12 G-247
Behler - Market to Mason 11-1-12 G-261
Bethel - Mason to College 1-29-1895 C-32
Boundary - Maple to King's Mill Rd. 3-4-07 E-227
Bruce - Hartley to West 2-22-72 V-5
Butler Alley - adjacent to Penn St. 3-4-86 X-393
Carl - Kelly to point at Burgard Property 3-18-60 R-177
Carlton - Salem to Hawthorne 2-15-46 N-372
Carlton - Locust to point 100 ft. south 5-10-57 Q-289
Center - Mulberry to Hudson 9-28-56 Q-216
Chain - Chestnut to Pa. R.R. 2-5-69 U-144
Charles - Bismark to Arden 7-22-71 U-447
Cherry - North to point 75 ft. north 3-30-51 O-483
Chestnut - State to Chain 4-29-60 R-198
Chain Alley 3-21-78 V-464
Church - Penn to point 31 ft. west to
Brooklyn 2-29-68 T-425
Church - Brooklyn to Newberry 2-29-68 T-425
Church - Dallas St. to Caesar Alley 9-16-80 W-131
Codorus - Penn to Green 2-29-68 T-425
College - right of way of Northern Central
Railroad to Codorus River 3-16-1897 C-118
Commerce - Wheatfield to certain alley 4-14-65 S-395
Court - North to Washington 3-30-51 O-481
Court - Gas to Gay 10-16-74 V-152
Duke - North to Hay 3-30-51 O-479
East Gay Ave. - North George St. to
North Court St. 11-20-84 X-305
Earl Way - south of St. Paul St., parallel
between Park Place and Roosevelt Ave. 11-8-89 Y-374
Elaine - King to Edison 3-18-60 R-177
Fair - South to certain alley 12-5-69 U-284
Fair - Springettsbury to City limits 8-8-07 F-30
Freys - King to point 410.8 ft. south 8-19-68 U-61
Front - Bare to Beaver 11-7-52 P-155
Gas - Roosevelt to Hartley 3-30-28 J-238
Gas Alley - east of Park Lane, west of Pershing 4-2-96 AA-126
Gay - Court to Queen 10-16-74 V-152
Glen - Philadelphia to point 188 ft. SE and
further to point 150 ft. east 6-16-76 V-237
Glen Alley - N. Broad to N. State 3-21-78 V-464
Green - College to Codorus Creek 2-29-68 T-425
Granite - Hudson to Sherman 8-1-52 P-128
Granite - York to first alley So. 91.15 ft. 12-29-61 R-466
Hamilton - Fairmount to Smith 8-6-63 S-145
Hartley - College to Codorus Creek 12-3-18 H-361
Hartley - College to Codorus Creek 4-29-60 R-196
Hay - Mulberry to Hudson 9-21-56 Q-211
Hay St. - N. Sherman St. to Hudson St. 7-16-85 X-324
Hay St. - Walt Way eastwardly 2-19-80 W-97
Hersh Ave. - adjacent to Penn St. 3-4-86 X-393
Hoff - Charles to Poor House Run 4-27-26 J-109
Holt - 166.5 ft. east and 170.19 ft.
west of Beer 8-19-68 U-61
Hope - Oak to No. Central R.R. 6-29-45 N-311
Hope - Beaver to Park Lane 9-28-56 Q-217
Hope - Park Lane to Pershing 2-24-61 R-321
Hope - Newberry to Codorus Creek 9-8-76 V-276
Howard - at North Street 6-5-1888 A-129
Howard - Billmeyer and Small Co. to
certain line 4-4-13 G-286
Howard - Gas to Penn Central R.R. 10-16-74 V-152
Keller Alley, portion of 11-8-95 AA-3
Keystone - 624 E. Maple and 628 E. Maple 6-4-75 V-195
Lake - Roosevelt to Hartley 5-3-40 M-212
Lamour - Princess to Hoff Alley 5-21-15 H-84
Land used as public way - intersection of
Parkway and Beaver 12-5-52 P-162
Land used as public way - along Parkway
between Warren and Cherry 12-5-52 P-162
Lemon - Orange to Princess 8-19-68 U-61
Liberty - east of Lamour 11-8-95 AA-7
Lincoln - Hartley to West 11-9-18 H-354
Lock - Trone to City limits 4-30-48 O-84
Loucks Mill - Arch to Penn Central R.R. 5-22-73 V-63
McKenzie - Boundary to Westminster 7-2-75 V-176, 198
Malask Alley - Hartley St. to Rabine Alley
and unnamed alley between Malask Alley
and Hope Ave. 12-2-80 W-146
Marbrook - west of intersection with Apple Way 12-21-93 Z-404
Mason - Columbia to point NE 8-19-68 U-61
Mason - Pershing to Codorus Creek 115.31
ft. north 5-9-52 P-105
Mayer Alley - W. Hope to 200 block of
S. Cherry 2-19-80 W-95
Mill - point 132.2 ft. from south line of
College and point 217 ft. from west
line of Penn 2-29-68 T-425
Newberry - Penn to Church 11-7-52 P-155
Newberry - Church to College 2-29-68 T-425
Newberry - Within Block 238 3-21-78 V-462
Newton - Pershing to point 414 ft. east 2-24-61 R-321
Newton - Two areas between Newberry and Penn 3-3-81 W-177
Newton Alley - Neater St. to Salem Ave. 9-21-82 W-273
Norge Alley - between E. Princess to
Euclid Alley 11-4-81 W-231
North - Duke to Queen 6-12-1888 A-127
North Cherry Lane - Jefferson Ave. to
Lincoln Dr. 4-21-87 Y-9
Oak - Warren to Cottage Hill 11-7-52 P-155
Oerman Alley - located between Lehman St.
and Albemarle St. between Wellington
St. and East King St. 6-16-81 W-221
Orange - Freys to Willow Row 8-19-68 U-61
Park Alley - Pa. R.R. to North 5-14-54 P-368
Park - Warren to Lincoln 11-7-52 P-155
Park - Warren to certain alley 12-5-52 P-162
Park Lane - Gay to Northern Central R.R. 6-1-51 P-2
Park Lane - Princess to Hope 2-24-61 R-321
Park Lane - King to Princess 2-24-61 R-321
Park Lane - West King St. to Mason Ave. 9-20-90 Y-441
Pattison - King to Mason 3-18-60 R-177
Penn St., S. - W. Jackson St. to
W. Springettsbury Ave. 3-4-86 X-393
Penn - West Cottage to Maryland and
Pennsylvania R.R. 7-15-80 W-122
Pequea Ave. - east of Girard Ave. 8-23-91 Z-93
Perry Alley - eastward from rear of 226 Arch 2-19-80 W-99
Phillips - Fulton to Stanley 5-2-89 Y-312
Phillips - Pattison to Sherman 3-18-60 R-177
Phillips - Sherman to Spruce 3-18-60 R-177
Phillips - Spruce to point 180 ft. east 3-18-60 R-177
Poplar - Maple to Boundary 5-11-20 I-124
Poplar Alley - Denver to Sampson 6-6-73 V-64
Random - Warmer to Holt 8-19-68 U-61
Rose - east of Fair Alley and west of S. Pine St. 9-18-97 13-1997
Rose - Queen to Susquehanna 9-18-07 F-42
Rose - Queen to McKenzie 7-7-00 C-312
Salem - Hawthorne to Richland 12-10-1898 C-214
Salem Ave. sidewalk right of way along
the perimeter of a parking lot
approximately 152 ft. in length and
5 ft. in width, and the portion along
Neater St. 110 ft. in length and
3.5 ft. in width 10-6-87 Y-86
Service road, unnamed, approximately
755 ft. in length, directly south
and parallel to the Route 30
right of way and directly west
of Apple Chevrolet, in the
14th Ward, Block 627 9-1-87 Y-56
S. George and W. King St. intersection
portion 4-21-87 Y-15
S. George St. - 1222 sq. ft. beginning
at Mason Alley south right-of-way
line 4-21-87 Y-13
Spangler's Lane - Vacating portions not
listed in ordinance of July 15, 1924,
which adopted it 7-22-24 I-391
Spruce - Edison to King 3-18-60 R-177
State - Hay to Conrail Railroad 11-15-88 Y-187
Stone - College to Church 2-29-68 T-425
Thomas - Warren to certain alley 11-7-52 P-155
Thomas - Warren to Parkway 12-5-52 P-162
Tremont - King to Mason 3-18-60 R-177
Trone Alley - located between Walt Way and
Loucks Mill Rd. connecting Lock
Ave. with Arch St. 11-7-84 X-297
Union Alley - Penn to 200 ft. east 7-23-1895 C-43
Vander Alley - southern portion 12-5-95 AA-84
Vander Ave. - Pequea Alley to Maryland and
Pennsylvania Railroad 7-1-80 W-120
Warmer - Random to point 65.93 ft. west 8-19-68 U-61
Warren - Bare to Parkway 11-7-52 P-155
Wellington - So. Albemarle to So. Lehman 6-6-41 N-4
West Hope Ave. - S. Beaver St. to Cherry Lane 10-6-81 W-226
West Newton - South Newberry to Codorus Creek 9-6-88 Y-158
West North St. - west of North Beaver St. 5-9-91 Z-24
Wheatfield - Maryland and Pennsylvania
Railroad to Elm 2-14-30 K-39
Willis - George to Willis Run 10-20-50 O-424
Willow Row - Orange to point 57.25 ft. south 8-19-68 U-61
Wood - point west of Pennsylvania to
Newberry 9-7-56 Q-208
York - Hudson to Sherman 6-4-48 O-105
Vacates portion of N. Albemarle St. on N. Side 11-5-97
of Frederick Ave. and S side of Pennsylvania RR
r-o-w at north City limits.
Vacates portion of W. Gas Ave. on east side of
Grant St. and west side of Army Corps of
Engineers land near Codorus Creek 10-17-00 N.A.
Portion of S. Park Ave. on N. side of W. College
Ave. and S side of W. Hope Ave. 7-3-01 N.A.
11-02 5-7-02 A portion of Cooper Place in the 8th Ward, Map 3, Block 143, running between Boundary Ave. approximately 184 feet traveling north to the rear of 522 South George St.
16-02 6-4-02 Closes a portion of Grant St. in the 5th Ward, Block 85, located between Grant St. from Cottage Hill Road to the northernmost York Railway Co. rail crossing of Grant St.
23-2004 7-6-04 Portion of Leed Ave. running between Reinecke Place 86 ft. south to Holt Ave.
24-2004 7-6-04 Portion of Holt Ave. running between Columbia Ave. 108 ft. west to 363 E. King St.
34-2006 6-6-06 Vacating a portion of Washington St. in the 1 Ward, Map 7, Block 127 of the City of York, running from N. Court St. in a westerly direction for 59.5 + - ft. being approximately 59.5 ft. in length and 30 ft. in width.
35-2006 6-6-06 Vacating a portion of N. Duke St. in the 1 Ward, Map 7, Block 127 of the City of York, running between Hay St. and Arch St. being approximately 316.2 ft. in length and 50 ft. in width.
36-2006 6-6-06 Vacating a portion of N. Court St. in the 7 Ward, Map 1, Block 127 of the City of York, running from the existing Railroad Yard in a northerly direction approximately 298.7 ft. in length and 45 ft. in width.
37-2006 6-6-06 Vacating a portion of N. Howard St. in the 1 Ward, Map 7, Block 129 of the City of York, running between Hay St. and Perry Ave. being approximately 112.2 ft. in length and 20 ft. in width.
38-2006 6-6-06 Vacating a portion of Perry Ave. in the 7 Ward, Map 1, Block 129 of the City of York, running from N. Duke St. and N. Howard St. being approximately 270 ft. in length and 15 ft. in width.
39-2006 6-6-06 Vacating a portion of Railroad Alley in the 1 Ward, Map 7, Block 129 of the City of York, running between Perry Ave. and Arch St. being approximately 136 ft. in length and 20 ft. in width.
40-2006 6-6-06 Vacating a portion of Hay St. in the 1 Ward, Map 7, Block 129 of the City of York, running between N. Duke St. and N. Queen St. being approximately 537 ft. in length and 50 ft. in width.
8-2007 3-6-07 Vacating a portion of Moul St. in the 01 Ward, Map 03, Block 007 of the City of York, running between Sampson Ave. and East Boundary Ave. being approximately 170 feet in length and 9 feet in width.
29-2007 9-18-07 Vacating a portion of Newberry St. in the 08 Ward, Map 05, Block 188 of the City of York, running between Springettsbury Ave. and York College of Pennsylvania’s Main Campus parking lot being approximately 200 feet in length and 60 feet in width.
27-2008 7-15-08 Vacating a portion of North Cherry Lane between North Street and the Codorus Creek.
28-2008 7-15-08 Vacating a portion of Juniper Street between Curwood Avenue and property currently owned by the School District of the City, Block 455, Parcel 18 in the Thirteenth Ward.
29-2008 7-15-08 Vacating a portion of Grant Street between Curwood Avenue and property currently owned by the School District of the City, Block 455, Parcel 18, in the Thirteenth Ward.
47-2008 11-18-08 Vacating a portion of Lustig Lane between West Maple Street and Lake Avenue.
6-2009 2-17-09 Vacating as a public street right-of-way a portion of West Church Avenue between Lindbergh Avenue and South Snyder Place, in the Eighth Ward.
19-2009 6-2-09 Vacating as a public street right-of-way Kyle Alley between Kurtz Avenue and Dalton Alley, in the Eighth Ward.
12-2011 4-5-11 Vacating as a public street a portion of the right-of-way Jessop Place, in the Eighth Ward.
13-2011 4-5-11 Vacating as a public street a portion of the right-of-way West Springettsburgy Avenue, in the Eighth Ward.
30-2012 10-2-12 Vacating as a public street right-of-way a portion of West Hope Avenue, Stone Alley and other unnamed public alleys between Brooklyn Alley, South Newberry Street and West College Avenue, in the Ninth Ward.
7-2013 7-16-13 Vacating a portion of Sampson Ave. to connect three parcels of land separated by the alley.
32-2017 12-19-17 Vacating York Street, Loucks Mill Road, Maple Alley, and a portion of Winterset Avenue located in the City of York, County of York, PA, to consolidate multiple parcels of land separated by these rights-of-way to allow for development.
18-2021 7-20-21 Vacating as a public street right-of-way portions of Stone Street and a portion of South Newberry Street in the Ninth Ward.
31-2021 8-17-21 Vacating as a public street right-of-way a portion of Lake Avenue in the Eighth Ward.
1-2022 2-1-22 Vacating as a public street right-of-way a portion of an unnamed street in the Second Ward.