(a)   Applications for parade permits and street fair permits shall be made to the Mayor at least five days before the date selected for the holding of such parade or street fair, and shall be made on official forms furnished by the City for that purpose. The Mayor may exercise discretion and consider any application which is not made at least five days in advance.
   (b)   The application for such permit shall state the names and addresses of the group or organization desiring to hold such parade or street fair, the name of the person who shall be in charge thereof, the purpose of the parade or street fair, the date and time for the holding thereof, the streets, sidewalks and highways over which the parade shall pass or on which the street fair shall be held, and such other information as the Mayor deems reasonably necessary. Such parade or street fair shall not be held at any other time or on any other streets, sidewalks or highways not specified in the application for the permit. The application for the permit shall be filed by the person in charge of such group or organization. (Ord. 14-1978 §1. Passed 5-8-78.)
   (c)   Applications for parade permits and street fair permits shall be accompanied by a fee of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than thirty dollars ($30.00). The exact fee shall be set by the Mayor in such amount as he may from time to time determine to be sufficient to cover the cost of processing such application.
(Ord. 26-1984 §1. Passed 10-16-84.)