337.01 PURPOSE.
   These requirements are designed to control and restrict garage and yard and other similar sales in order to protect the public health, safety and convenience and to restrict such sales to casual and/or occasional occurrences only, in keeping with the character of the neighborhood where this activity is carried on in compliance with Part 13, Planning and Zoning Code. The intent of this chapter is to eliminate perpetual, prolonged and extended garage, yard and similar sales in residential areas. Such sales, if continued indefinitely, tend to become retail businesses in residential areas and zones, create a nuisance and often violate the zoning regulations of the City. The provisions of this chapter arise from the need to limit, regulate, restrict and control garage and yard sales. It is not the intent of this chapter to change or amend Part 13, Planning and Zoning Code and/or any other ordinances of the City. The provisions of this chapter do not seek control of sales by individuals selling a few of their household or personal items. The provisions and prohibitions hereinafter contained are enacted not to prevent but to regulate garage sales for the safety and welfare of the City’s citizens. (Ord. 15-2010. Passed 4-20-10.)