(a)   No person shall engage in soliciting or peddling in the City without first having registered as herein provided, except as listed below:
   (b)   Registration requirements shall not apply to:
      (1)   Farmers seeking or taking orders for the sale of fresh produce;
      (2)   The seeking or taking of orders by any manufacturer or producer for the sale of bread and bakery products, meat and meat products or milk and milk products;
      (3)   The seeking or taking of orders by insurance or real estate agents or brokers licensed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
      (4)   Any person taking orders for merchandise from dealers or merchants, for resale to an ultimate consumer;
      (5)   Public or charitable activities in which the City is a participant, such activities being conducted for the enjoyment and well being of the community.
      (6)   Artists, musicians, actors, videographers, photographers, poets, or other individuals in artistic fields displaying 5 total items or less of original artwork, music cd's, films, photos, or poetry books or poems, or other similar original creations, or any individual in an artistic field creating for immediate sale original works of art, playing music, reciting poetry, acting, or performing for artistic purposes shall be exempt from registration.
         A.   This exemption does not apply to any individual involved in the creation and/or sale of food, drink or other edible items.
         B.   This exemption does not apply to any individual wishing to perform or sell items or art door-to-door or outside the “CBD” or City parks.
         C.   This exemption it not intended to allow individuals to avoid registration for street festivals or other planned City events that require other means of registration to participate.
         D.   All Codified Ordinances in Part 7, General Offenses, are still applicable to any individual under this exemption and may be enforced without warning.
         E.   For the purpose of this section, “original” means those artistic works, creations, wares or services sold on-site by the artist, artisan or performer who hand-crafted or created them.
         F.   This exemption does not apply to firearms, explosive devices, fireworks, swords, knives or other weapons.
         G.   This exemption does not apply to tattoo or permanent body art services. (Ord. 29-2012. Passed 9-18-12.)