Cable Television Franchise
323.01   Short title.
323.02   Definitions.
323.03   Grant of authority.
323.04   Franchise fee.
323.05   Construction and maintenance.
323.06   Level of service.
323.07   Customer service standards.
323.08   Regulation by the City.
323.09   Insurance and indemnification.
323.10   Community services.
323.11   Programming.
323.12   Transfer of control.
323.13   Ownership and use of the cable television system.
323.14   Company’s rules.
323.15   Termination for cause by City.
323.16   Unforeseen and uncontrollable acts.
323.17   Taxation.
323.18   Repeals.
323.19   Severability.
323.20   Franchise violations, damages and revocation.
323.21   Binding effect.
323.22   Effectiveness.
Poles and wires - see S.U. & P.S. Art. 915
Underground conduits - see S.U. & P.S. Art. 917