An owner of a multi-family structure who plans to convert the structure back to a single-family structure or an owner of an historic single family home in the Historic York District that has plans for restoration and preservation of the structure may submit an application to Economic and Community Development requesting a low-interest loan for a project. The application must be on a form required by Economic and Community Development and must include all of the following:
   (a)   The name and address of the applicant and any corresponding tax identification numbers.
   (b)   A description of the project. The description shall include all of the following:
      (1)   A detailed narrative describing the project.
      (2)   A detailed statement of the cost of the project, including the amount and type of any debt, the loan provider, interest rate and other debt information.
      (3)   A statement of the amount of loan funds being requested.
   (c)   A deed or other legal restriction requiring that the structure shall permanently remain a single-family structure.
   (d)   Any other information required by Economic and Community Development.
      (Ord. 18-2017. Passed 7-18-17.)