(a)   No officer or employee of the City shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract or job for work or materials, or the profits thereof, to be furnished or performed for the City; and no such officer or employee shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract or job for work or materials, or the profits thereof, to be furnished or performed for any person operating any inter-urban railway, street railway, bus line, gas works, waterworks, electric light or power plant, heating plant, telegraph line, telephone exchange, or other public utility within the territorial limits of such City.
   (b)   No officer or employee of the City shall accept or receive, directly or indirectly, from any person operating within the territorial limits of a City, any inter-urban railway, bus line, street railway, gas works, waterworks, electric light or power plant, heating plant, telegraph line, telephone exchange or other business using or operating under a public franchise any frank, free pass, free ticket or free service or accept or receive, directly or indirectly, from any person any other service upon terms more favorable than is granted to the public generally, except that such prohibition of free transportation shall not apply to policemen or firemen in uniform. Nor shall any free service to the City officials heretofore provided by any franchise or ordinance be affected by this section.
   (c)   No candidate for office, appointment or employment and no officer, appointee or employee of the City shall directly or indirectly give or promise any person any office, position, employment, benefit or anything of value for the purpose of influencing or obtaining the political support, aid or vote of any person, under the penalty of being disqualified to hold the office or employment to which he may be or may have been elected or appointed.
   (d)   No officer or employee of the City, personally or by a partnership, firm or association of which he is a member, shall, except in the performance of his duties as such officer or employee or except with respect to matters of a ministerial nature, represent or accept employment from or be retained by any person in relation to any matter pending before or involving the City or any board or commission thereof; nor shall he, or any partnership, firm or association of which he is a member, following termination of his service with the City, represent any person adverse to the City in relation to any matter which he personally participated during his period of City service or employment. (Ord. 2-1962 §601.)