The Coordinator of the York City Emergency Management Agency shall develop and maintain mutual aid agreements with adjacent political subdivisions for reciprocal emergency assistance. The agreements shall be consistent with the plans and program of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the York County Emergency Management Agency. The agreements shall stipulate that direction of emergency disaster assistance is the responsibility of the lowest level of government affected, that the county emergency management agency shall provide coordination and support when more than one political subdivision within York County is affected, and that the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency or its area organization shall provide coordination and support when two or more counties are affected. In disaster emergencies, requests for mutual aid assistance shall be referred to the organization, as outlined above. Having responsibility for coordination and in time of emergency, it shall be the duty of the York City Emergency Management Agency to render assistance in accordance with these mutual aid agreements. In all cases, support services provided from outside the affected area shall remain under the command and control of the receiving area.
(Ord. 7-2001. Passed 9-4-01.)