The York City Emergency Management Agency is hereby directed to:
   (a)   Prepare, maintain and keep current a disaster emergency plan for the City of York for the prevention and minimization of injury and damage caused by disaster, for prompt and effective response to disaster and for disaster emergency relief and recovery in consonance with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Plan and the York County Emergency Management Plan;
   (b)   Establish, equip, and staff an emergency operations center for The City of York.
   (c)   Establish a warning and communications system for the City that will support governmental operations in emergencies;
   (d)   Provide essential facilities and equipment to those agencies and organizations that have been assigned emergency functions under the provisions of this article;
   (e)   Provide individual and organizational training programs for police officers, firefighters, rescue personnel, ambulance personnel, emergency management volunteers and the general public to insure prompt, efficient and effective disaster emergency services;
   (f)   Organize, prepare and coordinate all locally available manpower, materials, supplies, equipment and facilities necessary for disaster emergency readiness, response and recovery;
   (g)   Adopt and implement precautionary measures to mitigate the anticipated effects of a disaster;
   (h)   Execute and enforce such rules, regulations and orders as the York City Emergency Management Agency may adopt pursuant to the provisions of this article;
   (i)   Cooperate and coordinate with any public and private agencies or entities in achieving any purpose of this article;
   (j)   Have available for inspection at its emergency operations center all emergency management plans, rules, regulations, and orders of the Governor and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency;
   (k)   Provide prompt and accurate information regarding local disaster emergencies to appropriate Commonwealth and local officials and agencies and the general public;
   (l)   Make periodic reports to the York City Council on the status and programs of the York City Emergency Management Agency, its personnel, programs, and plans;
   (m)   Execute and enforce such rules and orders as may be adopted by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency;
    (n)   Make timely recommendations to and secure the consent of the York City Council concerning the development of plans, the acquisition of materials, supplies, and equipment and the development of a budget for the agency, except as provided for in disaster emergencies;
   (o)   Identify areas within the City of York that are particularly vulnerable to disasters;
   (p)   Upon request of the Mayor, the City Council or a duly authorized City official, assist The City of York and or its police, fire, rescue, or emergency medical services in handling and coordinating special, non-disaster emergencies and situations.
      (Ord. 7-2001. Passed 9-4-01.)