(a)   The York City Emergency Management Agency shall have a Coordinator who shall be responsible for the planning, administration, and operation of the agency subject to the direction and control of the Mayor.
   (b)   The Coordinator of the York City Emergency Management Agency shall be appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania upon recommendation of the Mayor of York City. The Mayor may, upon agreement by resolution with adjoining municipalities, recommend to the Governor a candidate for Coordinator for emergency management activities in the said political subdivisions. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve at the pleasure of Mayor.
   (c)   The Coordinator of the York City Emergency Management Agency shall:
      (1)   Be professionally competent and capable of planning, effecting and coordinating operations among agencies of government and controlling coordinated operations by local emergency preparedness forces;
      (2)   Attend and successfully complete the first phase of the career development program as prescribed by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency within one year after appointment;
      (3)   Attend and successfully complete the second phase of the career development program as prescribed by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency within three years after appointment;
      (4)   Attend basic and advanced seminars, workshops and training conferences called by the Director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and/or its Director of Training and Education;
      (5)   Failure to attend and successfully complete the career development program phases, as described above, or failure to attend a prescribed training program for two consecutive years shall be cause for replacement of the Coordinator of the York City Emergency Management Agency;
      (6)   Responsibility for the professional in-service training of the Coordinator of the York City Emergency Management Agency shall rest with the Emergency Management Coordinator of York County.
   (d)   The City of York will reimburse its coordinator for actual expenses incurred as the result of his or her attendance at scheduled meetings and training programs.
(Ord. 7-2001. Passed 9-4-01.)