(a)   The procedures set forth in this section shall govern all Civil Service promotions and non-Civil Service duty Assignments of police officers.
   (b)   The Police Commissioner or Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council. The Chief of Police shall be designated from the force and may be removed without cause in the same manner, but not to any rank lower than the Civil Service rank held at the time of designation as Chief of Police.
   (c)   Civil Service promotions to the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain shall be from eligibility lists established by the Police Civil Service Board. The Board shall adopt Rules which govern the composition of the written test, establish guidelines for the oral test and the procedures to be followed in taking tests.
      (1)   Rating Factors. Each candidate for promotion shall be rated by written test, oral test, evaluation and seniority. The relative importance of each rating factor shall be determined by the Board, but the written test shall not be less than fifty percent (50%) of the total score. A seniority allowance of one-half point for each full year of service after completion of the first five years shall be added to the total score, however, seniority shall not exceed five points of the total score.
      (2)   Selection. The Police Commissioner or Chief of Police with the approval of the Mayor shall select one of the top three officers on the list who are certified by the Board for promotion.
   (d)   Assignment to the rank of Inspector shall be made by the Police Commissioner or Chief of Police with the approval of the Mayor. The Inspector shall be designated from the force and shall receive the salary of a Lieutenant. The rank of Inspector is a staff position and he or she shall have no line authority except over members assigned to the Inspectional Services Division. The Police Commissioner of Chief of Police with the approval of the Mayor may return the Inspector to his or her prior Civil Service rank at any time.
   (e)   Assignment to the ranks of Detective Commander, Detective First Class and Detective shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 145.07.  
   (f)   Assignment to the rank of Corporal shall be made by the Police Commissioner or Chief of Police, who shall have the authority to promote up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of police officers authorized, subject to the availability of funds. Corporal shall receive the salary of a Detective. Selection criteria shall include education and training, experience, and performance evaluations, and any Corporal may be returned to his or her previous Civil Service rank for just cause by the Police Commissioner or Chief of Police. (Ord. 5-2023. Passed 3-21-23.)