(a)   Mechanical Preparation. Warrants drawn upon the City Treasurer for the payment of bills, demands, payrolls, wages and other claims against the City, may be prepared and executed by passing the same through a check signing machine through which the signatures of the officers of the City, now or hereafter required by law or ordinance to sign and countersign such warrants, may be imprinted in facsimile in an unerasable substance upon such warrants.
   (b)   Authenticity Presumed. Such warrants when so prepared and executed shall, unless the contrary is proven, be presumed to be authentic warrants and entitled to full faith and credit as such by any and all persons and for any and all purposes.
   (c)   Dies. One or more dies bearing the engraved signatures of such officers shall be used in the operation of the check signing machine which can be inserted for its operation and withdrawn when it is not in use.
   (d)   Custody of Dies. Where one such die can be used for the signature of each officer, each officer shall have custody of and be responsible for the die bearing his respective signature when the machine is not in operation, When more than one signature of the officers is required to be engraved upon a die, the City Controller shall have custody of and be responsible for all such die or dies when the machine is not in operation.
(Ord. 20-1948 §1-4.)
   (e)   Operation. When such check signing machine is placed in operation to prepare and execute warrants drawn on the City Treasurer, the operation of such machine shall be conducted in the presence of the following officials: the Mayor or his representative duly authorized in writing and the City Controller or his representative duly authorized in writing. (Ord. 88-1964 §1. Passed 12-15-64.)
   (f)   Custody of Machine. When such machine is not in operation the City Controller shall have custody of and be responsible for the same.
   (g)   Exception. No provision of this section shall be construed to prohibit the manual or countersigning of such warrants by any of the required officers in ink.
   (h)   Duties of Officers. Nothing contained in this section shall relieve any of the officers required to sign or countersign such warrants of or from any of the duties, responsibilities, liabilities or penalties otherwise imposed upon them or any of them by existing laws or ordinances.
(Ord. 20-1948 §6-8.)