Each account of the City shall be audited following the close of each fiscal year by an independent certified public accountant or qualified firm selected by resolution of Council. The City shall request proposals for a new auditing contract once every three years and Council shall approve the contract no later than thirty (30) days prior to the close of the fiscal year to be audited. An Audit Committee comprised of the Mayor or his or her designee, the Business Administrator or his or her designee, the deputy business administrator for finance, the Council President or his or her designee and the Controller or his or her designee shall consider all proposals for the auditing contract and/or recontract and recommend an independent certified public accountant or a qualified firm to the Council. The committee shall receive all oral and written reports presented by independent certified public accountant or firm. The Council President shall give Council reports on the audit as required. The independent certified public accountant or firm shall formally present the audit findings and report(s) to the Council at a session open to the public.
(Ord. 17- 2007. Passed 5-1-07.)