(a)   The City Controller shall be responsible for determining that, in the operation of the budget, no funds are expended which have not previously been alloted for such expenditure, no expenditures are made except upon written requisition and no payment is made unless a warrant therefor has been properly signed and a check therefor presented to the City Treasurer.
   (b)   No claim or demand against the City for services rendered or goods sold to the City shall be paid unless such claim or demand has been audited by the City Controller prior thereto as provided in Section 129.01.
   (c)   There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the City treasury not otherwise appropriated five hundred dollars ($500.00) which shall be known as the Petty Expenditures Revolving Fund. From this Fund shall be paid all properly approved purchases and expenditures made by any department agency, commission, bureau, other unit, officer or employee for incidentals. At the end of each month the director of the department administering the centralized purchasing system shall render to the City Controller and City Council a statement showing the actual expenditures for each user so made out of such Petty Expenditures Revolving Fund.
   (d)   All applications for grants to the City from local, State or Federal sources or from private foundations, wherein the City pledges, or commits itself to pledge, matching contributions, either by program or cash, shall be submitted to Council for prior approval thereto before accepting such grants.
   (e)   The Business Administrator shall present to the Council members a monthly written report, in a form they approve, that lists the expenditures for the proceeding month. The report shall also include a listing of all transfers authorized by the Business Administrator as stated in Section 137.02(b).
   (f)   The Business Administrator at the end of each fiscal quarter shall submit to Council in a form that its members shall approve a consolidated report on the expenditures and operations of the entire City government, together with his or her recommendations, no later than 30 days after the close of each quarter.
(Ord. 12-2002. Passed 5-7-02.)