123.05 VACANCY.
   (a)   If vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor, Council shall fill such vacancy within thirty days by choosing a qualified person to serve as Mayor until the first Monday in January following the next municipal election occurring at least 200 days after the vacancy occurs. At such municipal election a qualified person shall be elected to serve from the first Monday of January following, for a new term of four years. If a vacancy occurs within 200 days of a regular municipal election at which the office of Mayor is to be filled for a new term of four years, the person selected by Council shall serve only until the first Monday in January following such election.
   (b)   If a vacancy in the office of Mayor is not filled by Council within the time specified above, the Court of Common Pleas of York County, upon petition of ten or more qualified electors of the City, shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of a qualified person for the portion or all of the unexpired term as provided in subsection (a) of this section.
   (c)   Until such time as either Council or the court fills a vacancy in the office of Mayor, the Director of the Department of Administration shall serve as Mayor and shall possess all the rights, perform all the duties and exercise all the powers thereof.
(Ord. 2-1962 §305.)