For purposes of this section, a public nuisance shall be deemed to exist whenever, through violation of any of the following provisions resulting from separate incidents at a building, structure, dwelling erection or place, twelve (12) or more points are accumulated within a period of six (6) months, or eighteen (18) or more points are accumulated within a period of twelve (12) months, in accordance with the following point system. Where more than one (1) violation occurs during a single incident, the total points for the incident shall be the highest point value assigned to any single violation. For the purposes of this article, an incident will be defined as the execution of an enforcement action in response to a violation of the law. In addition, any property that is determined to be blighted, as defined in the Pennsylvania Urban Redevelopment Law, 35 PS §1712.1(c) or the Property Rights Protection Act, 26 Pa.C.S.A. §205(b) is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
(Ord. 18-2012. Passed 7-17-12.)