(a)   The Board shall be charged with the responsibility of review of the historic district limits as outlined in Section 1731.02. The Board is further charged with the responsibility of developing and continuing an effective program of landmark recognition and preservation. Within such district the Board shall survey and designate in a suitable manner: areas, places, buildings, structures, monuments, works of art and objects having special historical, architectural, community or aesthetic interest and value, and worth of preservation.
   (b)   The Board shall give counsel to the City Council regarding the advisability of issuing any certificates required to be issued pursuant to the Act of June 13, 1961, and this article. Such counsel shall at all times be consistent with the provisions of all ordinances of the City. For this purpose, the Board may make and alter rules and regulations for their own organization and procedure, consistent with the ordinances of the City and the laws of the Commonwealth. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum and action taken at any meeting shall require the affirmative vote of four members of the Board. The members of the Board shall serve without compensation, and shall make an annual report of the transactions to Council. The Board may, pursuant to appropriations by Council, employ secretarial assistance.
(Ord. 18-2014. Passed 9-2-14.)