(a)   A Board of Historical Architectural Review is hereby established which shall be composed of seven members appointed by Council, one of whom shall be a registered architect, one a licensed real estate broker, one a building inspector, one recommended by the Historical Society of York County, and three additional persons with a knowledge and interest in the preservation of the historic district. At least four members of the Board shall be residents of the City. The initial terms of the first seven members shall be as follows: three shall serve until the first Monday of January, 1972, two until the first Monday of January, 1973, and two until the first Monday of January, 1974. Their successors shall serve for a term of five years. Any other member of the Board who changes their profession or position as above listed shall create a vacancy on the Board. Any member who fails to comply with the mandatory attendance provisions of Section 1731.08 shall create a vacancy on the Board. An appointment to fill any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term so vacated.
   (b)   Council shall also appoint three alternate members to the Board of Historical Architectural Review. The term of office of each alternate member shall also be five years, except that the term of office of each initial alternate member shall be so fixed so that such terms shall expire in different years. An alternate member shall not hold elective office on the Board and shall serve only when requested because of the unavailability of a regular member. Alternate members of the Board shall be residents of the City and shall have a knowledge and interest in the preservation of the Historic District.
(Ord. 18-2014. Passed 9-2-14.)