(a)   Every proposed ordinance, except as otherwise herein provided, prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof shall be forthwith published not more than sixty days nor less than seven days prior to passage in at least one and not more than two newspapers printed or circulated within the City. Publication of any proposed ordinance shall include either the full text thereof or the title and a brief summary prepared by the City Solicitor setting forth all the provisions in reasonable detail and a reference to a place within the City where copies of the proposed ordinance may be examined. If the full text is not included a copy thereof shall be supplied to the same newspaper of general circulation in the City at the time the public notice is published. If the full text is not included an attested copy thereof shall be filed in the County law library or other County office designated by the County Commissioners who may impose a fee no greater than that necessary to cover the actual costs of storing such ordinances. In the event substantial amendments are made in the proposed ordinance or resolution, before voting upon enactment, Council shall within ten days readvertise in one newspaper of general circulation in the City, a brief summary setting forth all the provisions in reasonable detail together with a summary of the amendments.
   (b)   At least one week and not more than three weeks prior to the first reading of any proposed building code, ordinance, housing code, ordinance, fire prevention code, ordinance, electrical code, ordinance, plumbing code, ordinance, or zoning ordinance, or any standard or nationally recognized code, ordinance or any changes or variations of any standard or nationally recognized code, or parts thereof, by Council, an information notice of intention to consider such ordinance and a brief summary setting forth the principal provisions of the proposed ordinance in such reasonable detail as will give adequate notice of its contents, and a reference to the place or places within the City where copies of the proposed building code, housing code, fire prevention code, electrical code, plumbing code or zoning ordinance or any standard or nationally recognized code may be examined or obtained, shall be published in the manner herein provided for the publication of ordinances. Not less than three copies of any such building code, ordinance, housing code, ordinance, fire prevention code, ordinance, electrical code, ordinance, plumbing code, ordinance, or zoning ordinance or any standard or nationally recognized code, ordinance, shall be made available for public inspection and use during business hours for at least three months after adoption, and printed copies thereof shall be supplied upon demand, at cost.
   (c)   In any case in which maps, plans or drawings of any kind are to be adopted as part of an ordinance, Council may instead of publishing the same as part of the ordinance, refer, in publishing the ordinance or a summary thereof, to the place where such maps, plans or drawings are on file and may be examined.
   (d)   All ordinances shall, within one month after their passage, be certified and recorded by the City Clerk, in a book provided by the City for that purpose, which shall be at all times open to the inspection of citizens. All ordinances, resolutions, motions or other proceedings of Council may be proved by the certificate of the City Clerk under the corporate seal, and when printed or published in book or pamphlet form by authority of the City, shall be read and received as evidence in all courts and elsewhere without further proof.
(Ord. 18-1980 §1. Passed 8-19-80.)