On the first Monday of January following a regular municipal election, the members of Council shall meet in the Council Chambers or such location as approved by the affirmative vote of three members of Council, to organize and elect one of the members as President of Council. If the first Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the first day following. The President shall serve as such until the first Monday in January following the next regular municipal election. The President shall preside at the meetings of Council and it shall be his/her duty to promptly sign all bills which have been passed by Council and are ready to be presented for the approval or disapproval of the Mayor and shall perform such other duties as Council may prescribe. Council shall also elect one of its members to serve as Vice President, who shall serve as temporary presiding officer and perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President until the latter returns. In the event of resignation or death of the President as such, the Vice President shall become the President and the Council shall elect one of its other members as Vice President. In the event of resignation or death of the Vice President, the Council shall elect one of its other members as Vice President.
(Ord. 11-2004. Passed 4-6-04.)