(a)   The provisions of this Title Six are the minimum standards for the protection of the public welfare. The York City Engineer shall have the right to modify or extend them as may be necessary in the public interest.
   (b)   Where the City of York Engineer finds that extraordinary hardship may result from strict compliance with this Title Six, he may vary the strict terms and conditions of this Title Six so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured; provided, however, that such variation will not have the effect of nullifying the interest and purpose of this Title Six.
   (c)   In granting variances and modifications, the York City Engineer may impose such conditions as will, in his judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied or modified.
   (d)   Decisions of the City of York Engineer are subject to appeal to the York City Council.
(Ord. 13-1981 §1. Passed 5-20-81.)