(a)   Pre-application Conference. Each prospective applicant shall confer with the staff of the Planning Commission and interested department heads prior to the preparation of a tentative application. It shall be the responsibility of the Commission staff to contact and invite department heads to a joint meeting. The general outlines of the proposal evidenced schematically by sketch plans and other pertinent base site information are to be considered before submission of a tentative application. The proposal shall be reviewed by the staff of the Commission with regards to the community development objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the policies and procedures of the Commission. Thereafter, the Commission staff shall furnish the applicant with its written comments regarding such pre-application conference.
   (b)   Formal Application and Fee. A formal application accompanied by a fee established by resolution by Council shall be submitted to the Commission staff along with written statements and site plans, drawings, maps and sketches that make up a tentative development plan. The submission shall be reviewed and recommended upon by the Commission staff and formal review by the Commission shall follow.
   (c)   Design Standards Compliance. The application for tentative approval shall include documentation illustrating compliance with all of the standards for planned residential development in Article 1353 and where necessary the City shall order such documentation to aid them in their review.
   (d)   Documentation Required. Required documentation shall include, but not be limited to documents illustrating the following:
(1)   A legal description of the total site proposed for development including a statement of present and proposed ownership and present and proposed zoning. Names and addresses of all owners of adjacent property shall be submitted as well;
(2)   A statement of planning objectives to be achieved by the development through a particular approach proposed by the applicant. This should include a description of the character of the proposed development and reason behind the choices;
(3)   The application for tentative approval of a development shall include a written statement by the landowner setting forth the reasons why in his opinion, a development would be in the public interest and would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the development of the City;
(4)   A statement indicating intentions with regard to the future selling or leasing of all or portions of the development, such as land areas, dwelling units, etc;
(5)   A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the development or stages of the development can be expected to begin and be completed;
(6)   Quantitative data for the following: total number and type of dwelling units; parcel size; proposed lot coverage of buildings and structures; approximate gross and net residential density; total proposed common open space; nonresidential uses and floor area; and
(7)   Information showing the feasibility of proposals for storm water disposition.
   (e)   Information Required. Application for tentative approval shall include but not be limited to the following information:
(1)   The existing site conditions including contours, flood plain areas, and the unique natural features;
(2)   Proposed lot lines and plot designs;
(3)   The location and floor area size of all existing and proposed structures and their interior improvements including maximum heights, types of dwellings and nonresidential structures and uses. Drawing should be sufficient to relay the basic architectural intent of the proposed improvements;
(4)   The location and size in acres or square feet of all areas to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved as common open space, public parks, recreational areas and similar public or semi-public areas;
(5)   The existing and proposed circulation system of arterial, collector and local streets including off-street parking areas, service areas, loading areas and major points of ingress and egress to the development. Notations of proposed ownership, public or private, should be included where appropriate;
(6)   The existing and proposed pedestrian circulation system;
(7)   The existing and proposed utility system;
(8)   A general landscape plan indicating the treatment of materials for private and common open space; and
(9)   The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the development including materials and techniques used such as screens, fences and walls.
   (f)   Copies. One copy of every application for tentative approval shall be forwarded to the City Planning Commission and to the York County Planning Commission for study and recommendation as required in Section 1351.01. The City Commission and the County Commission shall review and report on the application to Council within thirty days of such referral. One copy of the review of the respective Commission shall be furnished to the landowner not less than five days before the appointed time of the public hearing provided for in Section 1354.03. (Ord. 13-1982 Sec. 4.10. Passed 11-3-82.)