Council shall approve all plans in accordance with the procedures and requirements established by these regulations.
   (a)   Plan. Design of the development shall take into consideration all existing local and regional plans for the surrounding community.
   (b)   Historical and Architectural Value. To the maximum extent practicable, development shall preserve the historical, architectural and design character of existing and surrounding development.
   (c)   Scale. The height and bulk of new buildings should be related to the prevailing scale of development to avoid overwhelming or dominating existing development. New construction shall be sympathetic to the scale, form and proportion of existing development.
   (d)   Building Line. The existing building line at the street line shall be maintained unless a proposed setback conforms to the Zoning Ordinance or is part of a larger City development plan.
   (e)   Evaluation. Architectural design is not restricted. Evaluation of the appearance of a project shall be based on the quality of its design and relationship to surroundings.
   (f)   Exterior Architectural Features. To the maximum extent practicable, development shall preserve the exterior architectural features of the area and selected building features shall be suitable for the type and design of the surrounding development. Buildings shall use the same materials, or ones that are architecturally harmonious, on all building walls and other exterior building components visible from public streets.
   (g)   Parking Lots. Parking areas shall be suitably landscaped to minimize noise, glare, and other nuisances, especially adjacent to residential uses. Landscaped dividing strips or similar elements shall separate sections, or adequate landscaping shall be provided along the edge of parking lots. Portions of parking areas not used for maneuvering, travel or parking shall remain in natural ground cover. (Ord. 21-98. Passed 12-1-98.)