(a)   Minimum building setbacks to provide easements for the installation of public utilities may be established by the Planning Commission along any street even when such requirement establishes minimum yards greater than those required by the Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)   No buildings or other structures shall be permitted within the lines of an easement or building setback area.
(Ord. 12-1982 §4.50. Passed 11-3-82.)
   (c)   To the maximum extent practicable, all development along a designated image corridor, as identified in the Strategic Comprehensive Plan, shall provide site development and pedestrian access in a manner similar to the surrounding character and architectural style of neighboring buildings. The maximum setback requirement is determined by:
      (1)   Existing street lines shall be maintained. Maximum building setbacks are determined by the average setback of existing development within the same numerical block where the development is proposed. The calculation must incorporate development on both sides of the street excluding vacant lots and institutional and government buildings.
      (2)   In areas where demolition is proposed or has occurred, the setbacks of pre- existing development shall be used in the maximum setback calculation.
      (3)   Corner properties must take into account development on all four corners of the intersection.
      (4)   Developments within the Institutional and Open Space Districts are exempt from maximum building setback requirements.
         (Ord. 9-2000. Passed 6-6-00.)