1334.04 BLOCKS.
   (a)   Te length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: Provision of building sites suited to the specific needs of the use contemplated; requirements for convenient access, circulation and safety of street traffic; limitation and opportunities of the topography of the site; and lot sizes and lot dimensions established by the Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)   Block lengths shall not be less than 400 feet, nor more than 1,800 feet.
   (c)   Normally, blocks shall be subdivided to afford two tiers of lots. However, irregularly shaped blocks indented by cul-de-sac streets and containing interior parks shall be acceptable when covered by agreements as to maintenance of such parks, and the design of such blocks has been approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 12-1982 §4.30. Passed 11-3-82.)