(a)   Hereafter, all plans shall be approved by Council only in accordance with the procedure and requirements established by these regulations.
   (b)   Land subject to flooding or other hazards to life, health or property and land deemed to be topographically unsuitable shall not be plotted for residential occupancy or for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate erosion or a flood hazard until all such hazards have been eliminated or unless adequate safeguards against such hazards are provided by the land development plans. Such land within the development shall be set aside on the plan for uses as shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or shall not produce unsatisfactory living conditions.
   (c)   Where not prohibited by this or any other laws or ordinances, land located in flood- prone areas may be plotted for development with the provision that the developer construct all buildings and structures to preclude flood damage in accordance with this and other laws and ordinances regulating such development.
   (d)   No subdivision and/or land development, or part thereof, shall be approved if the proposed development and/or improvements shall individually or collectively increase the regulatory flood elevation more than one foot at any point.
   (e)   Low-lying lands along watercourses subject to flooding or overflowing during storm periods, whether or not included in areas for dedication, shall be preserved and retained in their natural state as drainage ways.
   (f)   Building sites for residences or any other type of dwelling or accommodation shall not be permitted in any floodway area. Sites for these uses may be permitted outside the floodway area if the sites or dwelling units are elevated to a height at least one foot above the elevation of the regulatory flood. If fill is used to raise the elevation of a site, the fill area shall extend out laterally for a distance of at least fifteen feet beyond the limits of the proposed structures.
   (g)   Building sites for structures or buildings other than for residential uses shall not be permitted in any floodway areas. Also, such sites for structures or buildings outside the floodway shall be protected as provided for in subsection (d) hereof. However, Council may allow the subdivision and/or development of areas or sites for commercial and industrial uses at an elevation less than one foot above the regulatory flood if the developer otherwise protects the area to that height or assures that the buildings or structures shall be floodproofed at least up to that height.
   (h)   If the City determines that only a part of a proposed plat can be safely developed, it shall limit development to that part and shall require that development proceed consistent with this determination.
   (i)   When a developer does not intend to develop the plot himself and the City determines that additional controls are required to insure safe development, it may require the developer to impose appropriate deed restrictions on the land. Such deed restrictions shall be inserted in every deed and noted on every recorded plot.
(Ord. 12-1982 §4.00. Passed 11-3-82.)
   (j)   In the event that a proposed Subdivision or Land Development is abutting or in relation to an adjacent municipality or municipalities, the City Planning Commissiion shall solicit reviews and reports from the appropriate agencies affected by the plans in attempts to coordinate development.
(Ord. 19-1991 §11. Passed 7-2-91.)