As used in this Planned Residential Development Ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning indicated below:
A landowner or developer, as hereinafter defined, who has filed an application for development, including his heirs, successors and assigns.
The floor area at ground level of all buildings occupying space within the residential land area. Included for the purposes of this definition are enclosed storage facilities, enclosed trash/garbage storage areas, garages, carports, covered porches, breezeways, etc.
A parcel or parcels of land or an area of water, or a combination of land and water within a development site designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents of the planned residential development, not including streets, off-street parking areas and areas set aside for public facilities.
      The Comprehensive Plan for the City of York.
The density calculated by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the gross site area in acres. This density is illustrative only, net density is controlling.
The density in the residential land area portion of the site. Net density is calculated by dividing the total number of units by the net site area in acres. This density controls actual site capacity.
Any landowner, agent of such landowner or tenant with the permission of such landowner, who makes or causes to be made an application for approval of a development plan.
The provisions for development of a planned residential development, including a plat of subdivision, elevations of all buildings, all covenants relating to use, location and bulk of buildings and other structures, intensity of use or density of development, streets, ways and parking facilities, common open space and public facilities. The phrase "provisions of the development plan" when used in this Planned Residential Development Ordinance means the written and graphic materials referred to in this definition.
A single-family residence that may be on an individual lot with private yards on all four sides of the house.
Dwelling unit/single-family detached-lot line means a single family residence on an individual lot, of which one side of the building is set on a side property line. An easement for maintenance on the adjoining lot is one of the requirements for this type of construction. Windows on the lot line side of the dwelling are prohibited.
A single family semi-detached dwelling unit having only one dwelling unit from ground to roof and only one wall in common with another dwelling unit.
An attached dwelling that may be single family or multi-family. All units may have independent outside access but this is not necessary.
A single family attached dwelling with one dwelling unit from ground to floor, having individual outside access. A townhouse may either have two common walls or one common wall depending upon its location in a row of townhouses.
Multi-family buildings where individual units share a common outside access.
Multi-family buildings where there are up to nine separate floors where each individual unit shares a common outside access.
      All land area within the site as defined in the deed.
   17)   FLOOR AREA
The sum of the areas on all floors of the building or structure, including areas used for human occupancy as measured from the exterior faces of the walls, including halls, lobbies, stairways, elevator shafts, enclosed porches and balconies and below grade floor areas, but excluding open terraces, patios, atriums, balconies, carports, garages, breezeways and tool sheds.
The maximum floor area allowed by multiplying the floor area ratio times the gross site area. In cases where there is unusable land, this shall be deducted from the gross site area. The maximum floor area shall then be based upon the floor area ratio times the net site area.
      The maximum permitted floor area divided by gross site area.
The maximum amount of impervious surfaces that do not absorb precipitation. All parking lots, driveways, roads, sidewalks and any areas in concrete and asphalt shall be considered impervious surfaces within this definition. In addition, other areas determined by the City Engineer to be impervious within the meaning of this definition shall also be classed as impervious surfaces. Pervious pavement and concrete are exempt from this definition when approved by the City Engineer. All buildings, principal and accessory, are specifically excluded from this definition.
A measure of the intensity of land use. It is determined by dividing the total area of all impervious surfaces within the site by the gross site area.
   22)   LANDOWNER
The legal or beneficial owner or owners of land, the holder of an option or contract to purchase whether or not any such option or contract is subject to any conditions, a lessee if he is authorized under the lease to exercise the rights of the landowner or other person having a proprietary interest in the land.
A rating correlating land area, floor area, open space, parking requirements and types of structures into a range of densities. The floor area ratios, impervious surface and open space are based on land area, and the car ratios on the number of dwelling units.
   24)   NET SITE AREA
That portion of land area which remains after unusable land is subtracted from the gross site area.
Land used for open space, recreation and parking.
That part of land allocated for parking spaces for residents.
The minimum number of parking spaces required for the occupants of the planned residential development for each dwelling unit.
The minimum amount of open space required by multiplying the open space ratio times the gross site area.
      The minimum permitted open space divided by gross site area.
A contiguous area of land with or without existing structures controlled by a landowner to be developed or rehabilitated as a single entity for a number of dwelling units, the development plan for which does not correspond in lot size, bulk, or type of dwelling, density, lot coverage and required open space to the regulations established in any one or more districts created from time to time under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
   31)   PLOT
The map or plan of a land development and/or redevelopment whether tentative or final.
The area within the project's gross site area, excluding unusable land and nonresidential land.
The conversion of an industrial, commercial or institutional building from its original functional use to residential dwellings. Included in this definition are vacant residential units provided that the developer has within his control the entire row of houses.
   34)   SECTION
A Geographical area or tract which is part of a proposed planned residential development which shall be developed according to a timetable for development over a period of years included by the applicant in the development plan.
   35)   STAGE
A section or sections of which an applicant proposed to commence development at the same time, as part of a timetable for development of a planned residential development over a period of years.
The minimum number of parking spaces required for occupants and visitors for each dwelling unit.
      That part of land allocated for parking spaces for residents and visitors.
Land not beneficial to residential use due to location or character such as drainage ditches, steep slopes, dense woods, sidewalks and utility strips when their presence renders the land unusable for residential use. Active recreational areas shall not be included for purposes of this definition.