a)   REQUIREMENTS - Any building or other structure erected, altered, used or occupied for any use shall be provided with minimum off-street parking spaces as set forth Article 1304, together, with adequate accessways, driveways or other means of circulation and access to and from a public street. No off-street parking shall be allowed on an unimproved yard.
   b)   MULTIPLE USES ON LOT - Unless specifically waived by this ordinance or the Zoning Hearing Board, parking space requirements for two (2) or more uses on a lot shall be cumulative and not limited to the major or primary use.
   c)   SHARED PARKING -Shared parking may be requested. Shared parking is an option if parking can be provided to serve two (2) or more individual land uses without conflict or encroachment. The Zoning Officer may make a determination for shared parking arrangements based on a traffic survey or traffic impact study for the site(s) based on the following criteria:
      1)   At a minimum, a traffic survey or traffic impact study must examine, for all uses, trip generation, hours of operation, quantity of required parking spaces, quantity of spaces that will be filled during peak hour periods and any unusual events that may occur during the year that will exceed the average parking requirement. The study must indicate that ample parking exists to meet the demand of uses served as well as meet technical requirements as specified by the Director of Planning;
      2)   The applicant shall provide a long-term agreement (contract parking) between parties sharing parking spaces to meet the requirements of the City Solicitor;
      3)   Additional parking requirements may be identified by the Zoning Officer if demand for parking outgrows the supply of available space: a demand/supply ratio greater than one (1) is unacceptable; and
      4)   Waivers are only applicable to the original use(s) at the time of the request. In the event that a use or uses should change, parking requirements are subject to requirements of the Ordinance.
      5)   Acceptable distance standards for compliance are in Section 1309.08(h) Location of Parking Spaces.
   d)   CBD DISTRICTS - Off-street parking is waived for all uses within the CBD zoning district, except as otherwise noted in this ordinance.