a)   DAMAGED SIGNS - Signs that are damaged, in disrepair, or vandalized and not repaired shall be removed.
   b)   AREAS AROUND SIGNS - Planters and/or landscaped areas around signs must be maintained in a manner that prevents visual blight.
   c)   NONCONFORMING SIGNS - Nonconforming signs that were legally erected may be maintained until such time as they are damaged, destroyed, removed, or in need of repair to a degree of fifty percent (50%) or more of the value of the sign. At such time, the sign may only be repaired or replaced in strict conformance with this ordinance. A nonconforming sign shall not be expanded, enlarged, or structurally changed. Changes to the facing of the sign only, with no changes to the physical structure of the sign are permissible.
   d)   REMOVAL OF SIGNS - Signs must be removed within seven (7) days of the sign no longer being relevant. This shall include, but not be limited to:
      1)   Seven (7) days following a political election for which a sign was displayed.
      2)   Seven (7) days following a signed sale or lease for which a real estate sign was displayed.
      3)   Seven (7) days following the closing of a business or discontinuation of a use for which as sign related.
      4)   Seven (7) days following a sale, event, or activity for which a sign related.