Signs intended for short periods of time are subject to the following restrictions:
   a)   NO PERMIT NEEDED - The following on-premises temporary signs may be erected without a permit:
         A.   RS1, RS2, UN1, UN2, MUI1 and MUI2 DISTRICTS - One six (6) square foot real estate sign may be erected on properties within Residential Zoning Districts to advertise the sale or lease of a property. The sign may not be placed in a public right-of-way or on a sidewalk and must be removed at such time as a contract is signed by the seller and buyer or leaser and lessee.
         B.   EC DISTRICTS- A thirty-two (32) square foot real estate sign may be erected to advertise the sale or lease of a property. The sign may not be placed in a public right-of-way or upon any sidewalk and must be removed at such time as a contract is signed by the seller and buyer or leaser and lessee. Properties with no front yard may only place such signs in a window or attached to the front of the building.
         C.   CBD DISTRICT - A sixteen (16) square foot real estate sign may be erected to advertise the sale or lease of a property. The sign may not be placed in a public right-of-way or upon any sidewalk and must be removed at such time as a contract is signed by the seller and buyer or leaser and lessee. Properties with no front yard may only place such signs in a window or attached to the front of the building.
         A.   UN1, EC, and CBD - A twelve (12) square foot sandwich board sign may be erected from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Only one sign shall be permitted per business. No two signs shall be permitted within ten (10) feet of one another. A five foot clear width pedestrian pathway must be maintained. Signs may not be placed in a position which creates a hazard to traffic safety or pedestrian accessibility.
         A.   RS1, RS2, UN2, and MUI2 DISTRICTS - One six (6) square foot sign may be erected on properties within Residential Zoning Districts as well as the UN2 and MUI2 zoning districts. The sign may not be placed in a public right-of-way or on a sidewalk and must be removed if and when the message is no longer relevant (as may be after an election).
         B.   UN1 and MUI1 DISTRICTS - One six (6) square foot sign may be erected on properties. The sign may not be placed in a public right-of-way or on a sidewalk and must be removed if and when the message is no longer relevant (as may be after an election). Properties with no front yard may only place such signs in a window or attached to the front of the building.
         C.   EC and CBD - One thirty-two (32) square foot sign may be erected on properties. The sign may not be placed in a public right-of-way or on a sidewalk and must be removed if and when the message is no longer relevant (as may be after an election). Properties with no front yard may only place such signs in a window, door, or glazed opening, or attached to the front of the building.    
4)   WINDOW SIGNS. No more than ten percent (10%) of the window area of a building, or fifteen (15) square feet, whichever is less, may be covered with window signs. Such signs may be painted onto the windows or signs may be placed inside the window.
   b)   PERMIT NEEDED -The following on-premises temporary signs may be erected only when a permit is obtained from the City of York and the expiration of the 90 day period is clearly identified in a visible location on the sign:
      1)   BANNERS - One (1) banner, no larger than twenty-four (24) square feet, may be erected at a property. The banner must be securely attached to a building and may not extend out from the building in any direction. A banner may be erected for a maximum of ten (10) days at a time. A property may only obtain a banner permit a maximum of three times per calendar year. Banners shall only be permitted in the EC zoning district.
      2)   INFLATABLES - One (1) inflatable sign, no taller than fifteen (15) feet and no wider than ten (10) feet may be erected at a property. The inflatable must be securely attached to the ground or building. Cold air inflatables, which require constant airflow by means of a powered blower, are only permitted from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. The inflatable may only be erected for a maximum of five (5) days. A property may only obtain an inflatable permit a maximum of three times per calendar year. Inflatables shall only be permitted in the EC zoning district.
      3)   NEW BUSINESS OR DEVELOPMENT - A new business may obtain a temporary sign permit for a sign to be erected on-site while construction of the new business is being completed or the permanent sign is completed. The sign size and height may not exceed the dimensions permitted for a permanent sign at the property. The temporary sign must be removed at such time as the permanent signs are erected on the property. New Business or Development signs shall be permitted in all zoning districts.