a)   RESIDENTIAL& MIXED USE DISTRICTS -In districts including RS1, RS2, UN1, UN2, MUI1, and MUI2, signs are limited in order to preserve the character of the neighborhood as a place where persons or families reside, to promote aesthetics, to ensure safety of motorists and pedestrians. The following on-premises permanent signs are permitted in residential districts, including RS1 and RS2.
      1)   Non-commercial signs not exceeding six (6) square feet in size and four (4) feet in height, from natural grade to the highest part of the sign. Such signs may be attached or freestanding, but must be placed within five (5) feet of the front wall of the principal structure on the property, and may not be within the required building setback for the District. Such signs shall be non-illuminated.
      2)   Commercial signs for businesses permitted at the property, such as a home occupation or as a non-conforming use, when such sign does not exceed six (6) square feet in size and four (4) feet in height, from natural grade to the highest part of the sign. Such signs may be attached or freestanding, but must be placed within five (5) feet of the front wall of the principal structure on the property and may not be within the required building setback for the District. Such signs shall be non-illuminated.
      3)   Blade signs shall be permitted as a substitute for an attached sign.Blade signs may not exceed ten percent (10%) of the area of the building front or six (6) square feet in area, whichever is less. For corner properties, the sign size may be split into two signs, with the total combined size of the two signs not exceeding six (6) square feet in area.
   b)   COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS - In Commercial Districts, including CBD and EC, signs are permitted in order to allow businesses an opportunity to attract customers to their establishment and to assist customers in locating their facility. Limitations are placed on signs in order to promote a positive character within the District, to protect the non-residential uses from a proliferation of large signs, and to promote aesthetics, to ensure safety of motorists and pedestrians. The following on-premises permanent signs are permitted in Commercial Districts, including EC and CBD:
      1)   FREESTANDING - Freestanding signs are permitted in the Commercial Districts with the following restrictions:
         A.   SIZE - One square foot for each lineal foot of street frontage, up to a maximum of sixty (60) square feet. For corner properties, the total size may be increased to ninety (90) square feet, but no one sign may exceed sixty (60) square feet.
         A.   HEIGHT - The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be fifty percent (50%) of the sign's setback from the closest street right-of-way line. In no case shall the height of a freestanding sign exceed thirty-five (35) feet.
         B.   SETBACK - The minimum setback shall be fifty percent (50%) of the building setback requirement for the District in which it is located, but in no case less than ten (10) feet. If this section cannot be met, then a freestanding sign shall not be permitted at the property.
         C.   ILLUMINATION - Signs in Commercial Districts may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
         D.   NUMBER - One (1) freestanding sign is permitted, except for corner properties, in which case two (2) freestanding signs shall be permitted in accordance with subsection (A) above.
      2)   ATTACHED - Attached signs are permitted in the Commercial Districts with the following restrictions:
         A.   SIZE - Attached signs may not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the area of the building front or one-hundred (100) square feet in area, whichever is less. For corner properties, the sign size may be increased to twenty-five percent (25%) of the area of the building front or one-hundred fifty (150) square feet, whichever is less, to be divided between two (2) signs, one (1) being placed on each side of the building. Neither sign may exceed one-hundred (100) square feet.
         B.   ILLUMINATION - Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated. Directly illuminated signs shall not be permitted in the HARB overlay District unless specifically recommended by HARB and approved by City Council.
         C.   NUMBER - One (1) sign shall be permitted. For corner lots, one sign shall be permitted on each side of the building as noted in subsection (A) above.
      3)   BLADE - Blade signs shall be permitted as a substitute for an attached sign.
         A.   SIZE - Blade signs may not exceed ten percent (10%) of the area of the building front or twelve (12) square feet in area, whichever is less. For corner properties, the sign size may be increased to fifteen percent (15%) of the area of the building front or twenty four (24) square feet, whichever is less, to be divided between two (2) signs, one (1) being placed on each side of the building. Neither sign may exceed fifteen (15) square feet.
         B.   ILLUMINATION - Signs may be indirectly illuminated. Directly illuminated signs shall not be permitted.
         C.   NUMBER - One (1) sign shall be permitted. For corner lots, one (1) sign shall be permitted on each side of the building as noted in subsection (A) above.