For purposes of determining compliance with this ordinance, signs shall be measured as follows:
   a)   The size of any sign shall be computed by multiplying its greatest height by its greatest length. In the case of signs that have no definable edges, such as raised letters attached to a building façade, the sign size shall be that area within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the actual message or copy area.
   b)   Double-faced Signs:
      1)   Residential zoning districts: For signs in residential zoning districts, the surface area of a double-faced sign shall be computed by counting both sides.
      2)   Commercial districts: For commercial districts, when computing the surface area of a double-faced sign, only one side shall be considered providing all faces are identical. However, if the interior angle formed by the two(2) faces of a double-faced sign is greater than forty-five (45) degrees, then both sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the sign area.
      3)   Off-premises advertising signs: For the purposes of signs regulated by section 1308.10, measurement shall be determined by the regulations set forth in that section.
   c)   Structural members not bearing advertising matter and/or not in the form of a symbol shall not be included in the computation of surface area.