a)   ILLUMINATION -Signs which are illuminated, either directly or indirectly, shall not create a nuisance. The following regulations shall apply:
      1)   LIGHT SOURCES - Light sources shall be shielded from all adjacent properties and streets and shall not be of such intensity as to cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or motorists.
      2)   INTERNAL ILLUMINATION - Signs using internal illumination shall be designed so that when illuminated at night, only the letters and logos of the sign are visible. Individual, solid letters with internal lighting tubes which backlight a wall are permitted.
      3)   ANIMATION - Signs shall not be animated. The visual appearance of a sign shall not change more often than once per thirty (30) seconds. The colors and light intensity shall also remain constant for a minimum of thirty (30) seconds at a time.
   b)   HARB DISTRICT - All signs intended to be installed on properties or attached to buildings or structures located within the City of York's Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) Overlay District shall be subject to review by the Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) and approval by the York City Council whether permits are required or not. Design and installation of all signs in the HARB District must comply with the requirements of the York Design Guidelines.
   c)   PROHIBITED SIGNS - No signs shall create a public nuisance by emitting smoke, sound, vapor, beams or rays, particle emission, odors, or creating a safety or traffic hazard as determined by the City Engineer. The following signs are specifically prohibited:
      1)   Mobile signs which are not fixed in place at a specific point on a property shall be prohibited. Such signs include portable signs pulled behind a vehicle, vehicles whose primary purpose is to serve as a sign, signs affixed to a vehicle or trailer in such a manner that the carrying of such sign or signs is no longer incidental to the vehicle's primary purpose of transportation, but becomes a primary purpose in itself.
      2)   Signs which appear similar to a traffic sign, signal, or device shall be prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, signs with arrows and signs on which the use of specific colors and/or words at a specific location may be confused with traffic control devices.
      3)   Signs containing information stating or implying that a property may be used for any purpose not permitted under the applicable provisions of this Ordinance.
      4)   Signs are prohibited on all trees, shrubs, rocks, or other natural objects.
      5)   Signs are prohibited on all utility poles and other natural and/or manmade objects not specifically designed or approved for the specific sign in question.
      6)   Signs within public rights-of-way other than those of a duly constituted governmental body, including traffic signals and street signs installed in accordance with the Federal Manual for Uniformed Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
   d)   RESTRICTED CONTENT - Signs may not contain any language or other visual representation which would be considered vulgar or pornographic, sends a message of hate or discrimination, or violates any other law.