a)   PUBLIC ACCESS - Public access is required. No building shall be erected, nor any use established, on a lot which does not abut a street. In addition:
      1)   Lots containing principal buildings and principal uses shall be located on local street(s) having a right-of-way width of not less than forty (40) feet in the case of existing local streets and fifty (50) feet in the case of proposed local streets.
      2)   Lots containing only accessory buildings and/or accessory uses may be located on local streets, including alleys, whose right-of-way width is less than forty (40) feet, but, in no case, less than twenty (20) feet for existing streets or twenty-four (24) feet for proposed streets; and
      3)   All streets shall be publicly owned unless specific approval is granted to the contrary as part of a plan duly reviewed and approved by Council.
   b)   SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPLIANCE - Any proposed building or use, or any existing building or use, proposing to establish new or relocated access points to any public street right-of-way shall conform to all applicable provisions of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
   c)   JOINT ACCESS MARGINAL ACCESS STREETS - All uses in CH Districts shall give consideration to and provide for, if so required by Council as part of a land development plan, either joint access with neighboring uses or a marginal access street.