a)   In Residential Zoning Districts, no public business office shall be operated in connection with a principal supply utility.
   b)   Storage yards or storage buildings may be operated in connection with such use only on application to the Zoning Hearing Board for a special exception and following demonstration to the satisfaction of the Board that it is essential to service customers in the Zoning District in which it is located.
   c)   In new subdivisions, land development or redevelopment areas, utility distribution and service facilities shall be installed underground unless, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, special conditions require otherwise.
   d)   In new subdivisions, land development or redevelopment areas that require connection to the City's sanitary sewer system and meet the activity requirements of Title 25, Chapter 71 -Department of Environmental Protection's Regulations for the Administration of Sewage Facilities Program, a sewer module shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and the Public Service Department for review and approval.