a)   BUFFERING, GENERAL - In general, buffering, either in the form of a buffer yard and/or screening, is appropriate between high intensity activities and residential activities.
      1)   Buffer yards shall be required for all commercial and industrial uses when abutting or within RS1, RS2, UN1, UN2,MUI1, and MUI2 Districts.
      2)   Where US Route 30, railroads or the Codorus Creek serve as District boundaries, no buffering is required along such boundary.
      3)   Where streams, runs or other bodies of water serve as distinct boundaries, such stream, run or river may serve to meet the buffering requirements, provided the proposed buffering is approved by special exception.
      4)   Buffering should incorporate principles of CPTED where appropriate.
      1)   Buffer yards shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet in width as measured from the applicable lot line.
      2)   All buffer yards shall be planted with grass seed, sod or ground cover and maintained and kept clean of all debris, rubbish, weeds and tall grass in conformance with existing regulations.
      3)   No structure, manufacturing or processing activity, or parking or storage of materials shall be permitted in the buffer yard.
      4)   Within all buffer yards, screening in accordance with subsection (c) hereof shall be included.
      5)   Bufferyard design should incorporate principles of CPTED where appropriate.
   c)   SCREENING - Screening is the provision of plantings or non-plant material to eliminate or minimize conflicts between development and adjacent land uses and protects properties from airborne particles, glare and noise. Screening should incorporate principles of CPTED where appropriate.
      1)   FENCES OR WALLS - Screening can be achieved by installing a masonry wall or fence.
         A.   When used as screening, the fence or wall must be at least six (6) feet tall. Maximum fence height shall be provided in accordance with Article 1304.
         B.   The fence shall be broken only at points of vehicular or pedestrian access, or where utility improvements and/or easements prohibit installation.
         C.   In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance a clear-sight triangle shall be maintained at all street intersections and where private accessways intersect public streets.
         A.   Plant materials used in the screen planting shall be of such species as shall produce, within two (2) years, a complete visual screen no higher than two feet off the ground and no lower than seven feet off the ground.
         B.   The screen planting shall be maintained permanently, and any plant material that does not live shall be replaced within one (1) year.
         C.   The screen planting shall be so placed that, at maturity, it shall not be closer than three (3) feet from any street or property line.
         D.   In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance a clear-sight triangle shall be maintained at all street intersections and where private accessways intersect public streets.
         E.   When screening is required, a minimum of five (5) feet in any yard shall be required.
         F.   The screen planting shall be broken only at points of vehicular or pedestrian access, or where utility easements prohibit such planting.
      3)   BERM - An earthwork berm shall be four (4) feet high with continuous screen planting on the top that shall grow to a height of four (4) feet within two (2) years after planting.