a)   BUILDING SETBACKS ON CORNER LOTS AND DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOTS- In cases where lots have frontage along two (2) or more streets excluding streets with right-of-way widths less than twenty (20) feet, the minimum front building setback requirements shall apply to each street according to the minimum requirements for the Zoning District in which the lot is located.
      1)   Within any front yard on any corner lot, no wall, fence or other structure shall be erected or altered and no hedge, trees, shrubs or other growth shall be maintained that may cause a danger to traffic on a street or public road by obscuring the view.
         A.   A clear-sight triangle of twenty-five (25) feet on arterial and collector streets measured along the street lines of intersecting streets, shall be maintained within which such structure or planting shall be limited to a height of not more than three (3) feet, nor less than ten (10) feet above the street grade.
         B.   A clear-sight triangle of twelve (12) feet on local streets measured along the street lines of intersecting streets, shall be maintained within which such structure or planting shall be limited to a height of not more than three (3) feet, nor less than ten (10) feet above the street grade.
      1)   Wherever in any Zoning District the present setback is greater than the minimum provided, the required setback of a building hereafter erected shall be the same as or greater than the present setback of existing buildings in the same block on the same side of the street, except when a special exception is authorized.
      2)   Wherever in any Zoning District the present setback of existing buildings is less than the minimum requirement for the Zoning District involved, the required setback of any building hereafter erected shall be at least the average setback formed by the alignment of existing buildings within one hundred (100) feet on each side of the proposed building and within the same block.
      1)   In cases where party walls are in existence between principal buildings, no side yards are required along the common lot line for accessory buildings. Side yards for accessory structures may be reduced to five (5) feet or may maintain the existing side yard setback of the existing principal structure.
      2)   On lots along the boundaries of UN, EC and CBD Districts, where side or rear yards abut RS1, RS2, or Districts and where no side yards shall be provided, the dimension of such side or rear yard shall be equal to that required in the Zoning District on which such lot abuts.
      1)   PROJECTIONS -Unenclosed, ground story terraces, patios and porches may project into any required yard not more than one-half (1/2) its required dimension and not more than ten (10) feet in any case. Chimneys, flues, columns, sills and ornamental architectural features may project not more than two (2) feet into a required yard.
      2)   FENCES - Provided unobstructed vision at street intersections is maintained in accordance with subsection (a), yard provisions shall not apply to hedges, fences or walls eight (8) feet high or less above the natural grade.
      3)   OFF-STREET PARKING - Off-street parking areas are not permitted in any required front yard, but off-street parking areas may project into a required side or rear yard a distance of not more than one-half (1/2) its required dimension, except in rear yards or side yards where there is access to the property from a public street or alleyway.
      4)   HANDICAP RAMPS - Any handicap ramp or other protrusion or device required to make reasonable accommodation under the Fair Housing Act or American with Disabilities Act (ADA)is permitted provided that the same be completely within the property boundary and not interfere with the use of public right-of-way such as sidewalks. In the situation where the building line coincides with the property and street line, any handicap ramp or protrusion/device required may be permitted through establishment of an easement to place such structure/device within the public right-of-way at a location that does not prohibit public access in accordance with ADA requirements.
   e)   REQUIRED YARD AND OPEN SPACE - Unless specifically provided herein, no part of any yard or other required open space around any principal use or building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance shall be included as part of any yard or open space required under this Ordinance for another use of building.
   f)   SPACING OF NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS - Where two (2) or more main buildings for a single nonresidential use are proposed to be built on a property in one (1) ownership, front, side and rear yards are required only at lot lines abutting other properties.
      1)   When two (2) or more principal uses occupy the same lot, but not the same building, all parking, lot width, yard and setback, height, building area and floor area requirements shall be provided so that the requirements pertaining to each use shall be met in full.
      2)   No building to the rear of and on the same lot with a main building shall be erected, altered or used for residential purposes unless such rear building conforms with all use, height and area requirements of the Zoning District in which it is located. If all such requirements are met, the building may be used as an accessory dwelling unitprovided the principal dwelling unit is owner- occupied and requirement of Section 1302.01 are met.
      3)   When two (2) or more principal uses occupy the same building on the same lot, all parking, lot area, building area and floor area requirements shall be provided so that the requirements pertaining to each use shall be met in full.
For infill development projects, all provisions of the Zoning District in which the development occurs, as well as all other applicable provisions of this Ordinance, must be followed. The following additional requirements shall also apply:
      1)   For infill development projects in the Central Business District (CBD), the minimum building setback shall also be the maximum building setback.
      2)   For infill development projects in the Central Business District (CBD), the minimum height shall be four (4) stories and forty (40) feet.
      3)   A building's principal entrance must be oriented towards the building's principal    street. Secondary entrances may be oriented toward secondary streets. Doorways which only serve as emergency exits should be oriented away from principal streets, where feasible under applicable building codes.
      4)   At least twenty-percent (20%) of a building's façade shall contain windows or glass, unless a lesser percentage is recommended by HARB for properties within the HARB area.