(A)   The county seeks to employ the best qualified and suitable persons available. In this effort, the county conducts an active job information and recruitment program. The county shall fill vacancies by promotion or transfer within the organization as long as internal candidates meet minimum qualifications. If the internal recruitment process does not yield a suitable candidate, applications from other sources shall be considered.
   (B)   The administrative procedure shall be as follows:
      (1)   The County Manager or his/her designee and Human Resources shall implement a hiring process used for all vacancies that shall include preparation of a job announcement stating the position title, minimum training and experience requirements, salary range, and application procedures. Job opportunities shall be posted on the county website, county bulletin boards, various job search engines, and at conspicuous locations within county buildings.
      (2)   Applicants from the department where the vacancy occurs shall be considered first. If this does not result in filling the position, all other county employees seeking the position shall be considered. If internal candidates do not meet the minimum qualifications for the position based on requirements stated on the position job description, then applicants from other sources shall be considered.
      (3)   The County Manager or his/her designee and Human Resources shall select the recruitment sources to be utilized. Job announcements shall be advertised through a variety of resources, including national job search engines, educational institutions, employment agencies, professional organizations, and any medium through which the county will recruit diverse and qualified candidates.
(‘77 Code, § 13-27) (Ord. 1584, passed 9-17-84; Am. Ord. 5288, passed 10-17-88; Am. Ord. 1214, passed 5-5-14; Am. Ord. 3918, passed 8-20-18; Am. Ord. 2823, passed 5-1-23)