§ 151.40 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Regent Park Floodplain Overlay District, as delineated in Figure 1, is to regulate development within the Regent Park Community's mapped FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area and the mapped area of special flood hazard, as identified in the York County Regent Park Flood Study dated February 27, 2023, to standards higher than the National Flood Insurance Program's minimum standards, based in part on a “No Adverse Impact” approach to floodplain management. The Regent Park Community has experienced repeated local flooding of non-special flood hazard areas within the community, resulting in significant property damage. By adopting and enforcing higher standards, the intent is to provide additional protections for people and property that exceed FEMA's minimum standards from risks associated with flooding in floodplain areas, minimize disruption of commerce and critical services, and minimize the need for costly repairs due to flooding.
(Ord. 2924, passed 6-3-24)