(A)   Purpose. The intent of this policy is to establish the terms of access to and use of York County’s network, e-mail and internet system. It is intended to encourage responsible and acceptable use of the network, e-mail and internet services provided for the county. Efficient utilization of the network and internet for communications and research can improve the quality, productivity and general cost-effectiveness of the county’s work force as well as provide information both internally and to the public about the activities and services of the county. This policy sets forth York County’s expectations with respect to what is and what is not acceptable use, and to prevent offensive and/or inappropriate behavior when using the network. Please refer to the York County Internet and Email Policy for specific requirements, restrictions and information.
   (B)   General principles. These principles apply to all York County employees when they are accessing the network and the internet as representatives of the organization. County employees, as well as the county will be held accountable for abusive, inappropriate or unethical behavior when accessing the network from county facilities or equipment.
   (C)   Responsibilities.
      (1)   Proper usage. County employees must not share with others their assigned internet or network passwords. When creating passwords if the guidelines in the overall policy are not met you will be prompted to create another password that meets these criteria. Passwords are required to be changed intermittently and must meet security criteria set by the IT department.
      (2)   Creating passwords. When creating passwords if the guidelines in the overall policy are not met you will be prompted to create another password that meets these criteria. Passwords are required to be changed intermittently and must meet security criteria set by the IT department.
      (3)   Permissible use.
         (a)   York County provides e-mail and internet to its employees as a fast means of communication for business purposes as deemed necessary by the department director, the IT director, or the County Manager.
         (b)   York County’s internet system is intended to be used for business purposes only. Informal or personal use must be limited in duration and should take place on personal rather than paid time. Using York County’s facilities or equipment for abusive, unethical or inappropriate use of the internet will not be tolerated and is strictly subject to the other terms and conditions of these guidelines and other related county policies. Failure to observe these guidelines may result in disciplinary action up to termination.
      (4)   Inappropriate use.
         (a)   Examples of unauthorized use of software include but are not limited to: streaming music or video, stock tickers, news reels, and the like, to the desktop, movie downloads, games, screensavers used from the internet, unauthorized messaging software such as AOL, Yahoo, Windows Messenger; and “chat” software.
         (b)   Employees may not:
            1.   Use IT resources for personal gain, or to support or advocate for non-county related business or political purposes.
            2.   Create, distribute, upload, download or view any disruptive, abusive, harassing, threatening, or offensive messages, including offensive comments or graphics about sex, race, gender, color, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, pornography, religious beliefs and practice, political beliefs, or national origin.
            3.   Upload or download documents or video/audio files in violation of copyright laws or software licensing agreements.
            4.   Download any or utilizing any chat clients.
            5.   Use IT resources for illegal or unlawful purposes or to support or assist such purposes.
            6.   Use IT resources for wagering, betting or selling chances or to support or assist such purposes.
            7.   Use IT resources for personal long distance telephone calls.
            8.   Attempt to circumvent or subvert system or network security measures, provide internal network access to any non-users or use your account to gain unauthorized access to external networks and systems.
            9.   Mount an attack on the security of any system (i.e., attempting to hack or introduce viruses into a system).
            10.   Use the network to disrupt network users, services or equipment. Disruptions include, but are not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer “worms” and viruses, and sustained high volume network traffic that substantially hinders others in their use of the network.
            11.   Intercept network traffic for any purpose unless engaged in authorized network administrative duties.
            12.   Install or use encryption/decryption software on any York County computers without first obtaining written permission from your department director and IT. Users may not use encryption keys or encryption passwords that are unknown to their department director.
            13.   Engage in online fundraising (unless approved by County Manager; e.g., United Way).
            14.   Engage in mass-mailing or send county-wide messages without County Manager or his/her designee approval.
            15.   Send county-wide mailings about viruses, or other warnings about outside computer attacks (these are almost always a hoax, and should be turned over to IT for disposition).
            16.   Initiate or forward chain letters by email.
            17.   Spoof (disguise) your identity or send anonymous e-mails or send e-mail under another employee’s name without permission.
            18.   Download any non-standard or non-business related files or software, including “freeware” and/or “shareware” programs unless previously approved by IT.
            19.   Load personal internet service provider accounts (i.e., AOL, Google, Yahoo and the like) on county-owned equipment.
            20.   Unless expressly authorized, sending, transmitting, or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade secrets, or other confidential information of the county is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized disseminating of this information may result in substantial civil liability as well as severe criminal penalties under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996.
            21.   Make or use illegal copies of copyrighted software or other mediums, store such copies on county systems, or transmit them over/through the county network.
      (5)   It is the responsibility of the supervisor, manager and/or department director to be aware of how the county’s internet and network services are being utilized by his/her employees and ensure that employees are periodically informed and aware of the IT procedures at a minimum on an annual basis.
   (D)   Social media code of conduct.
      (1)   Social networking, personal websites and blogs have become common methods of self-expression. The county respects the free speech rights of its employees but you must remember that citizens, colleagues, and supervisors often have access to online content you post.
      (2)   You are responsible for your actions. Anything you post can potentially tarnish the county’s image and will ultimately be your responsibility. Be conscious that when mixing your business and personal lives online your business and personal personas are likely to intersect.
      (3)   Employees are cautioned that personal networking should not be made during work hours using county computers. In addition, employees are cautioned that posts that they make that contain obscene or harassing material, that are unlawful, that contain personal attacks on co-workers, that reasonably call into question the employee’s judgment, or that reasonably cause concern among the public may result in discipline, up to and including termination from employment. Similarly, conduct that would violate policies if done in person also violates county policy if done through social media. Employees may not disclose confidential information over social medical or similar sites. Employees who post on media sites and/or media sites and who have identified themselves as a member or employee of York County must make it clear that they are expressing their own views and not those of the county.
   (E)   Summary.
      (1)   Employees should expect that behavior that disregards consideration for themselves, their job, co-workers, or property rights, will be subject to appropriate review and possible discipline, up to and including discharge. It is the responsibility of employees to know and comply with all county rules, including the E-Mail/Internet Use Guidelines.
      (2)   A full copy of the policy may be obtained by contacting Human Resources or IT.
(Ord. 2501, passed 7-16-01; Am. Ord. 1214, passed 5-5-14; Am. Ord. 3918, passed 8-20-18)