The workplace is intended to be a place of work. An important part is communications and record keeping. No employee is at work 24 hours a day, seven days a week and there are times when management needs access to communications or records maintained by employees in their individual workplaces. Personal items and personal communications received or stored on county premises are not entitled to a guarantee of privacy. Management may search county property and documents in county- owned vehicles, employee desks, lockers, file cabinets, and the like. The county provides electronic and telephonic communication devices to employees for use in performing their job duties. Although assigned to the employee, these items still belong to the county. Similarly, any computer files created or software downloaded on a county computer belongs to the county. York County may access any data transmitted or stored on county-owned communications devices (i.e., telephone, pager, blackberry, laptop, and the like) during transmission of the communication or while in storage on the county’s equipment. This includes but is not limited to voicemail, e-mail content, text messages, and the like.
(Ord. 1214, passed 5-5-14)